I Saw You Fleeing Like a Scaredy-Cat!

As the lesson almost ended, Julius twirled his quill between his fingers, his thoughts drifting away from the lecture.

A moment later, his quill slipped, breaking his reverie. His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he glanced at Alexander. "Isn't he looking at me a little too much?" he muttered, turning to his big brother.

"I bet he'll ask us to stay after class," replied Adam, his lips curling into an amused smile. Playfulness twinkled in his eyes as memories of their first interactions with the college teachers resurfaced.

Then, as if to mock him, Alexander turned sharply toward them. "Stay after class. I have something to ask you," he said, his solemn voice causing the other students to roll their eyes.

After Julius became Shepard's disciple and stopped showing up, they thought their chances of getting a mentor increased. However, the moment he returned, the new teacher lunged at him, like the others.