Whispers from the Earth

Noticing his grimace, her thoughts wandered, trying to find the right words to explain her unusual situation.

Her brows creased, and she squinted before finally saying, "My body is asleep in another space. I don't know why, but I can't wake up."

Her solemn tone caused his frown to deepen. Nothing made sense. However, before he could share his confusion again, she continued.

"That place is safe, though. I even personalized my room. Anyway, my ability makes my dreams lifelike. So, I consciously dreamed of being here, and tada! Here I am!"

"Yeah, no. I don't get it. This isn't going to work," he said, his brows twitching as he pushed himself off the comfortable chair. He had wasted his time, and the poor girl was crazier than him.

However, as he turned to leave, her teasing voice echoed again.

"In simple words, it means I'm unkillable on Earth. I can also bring someone into that space for a brief moment. So, what do you say?"