Champion of a Dying World

The citizen's excited faces and hopeful yells echoed in his ears as the first ones reached him five minutes later. Their cheerful voices pierced him like thousands of icy needles, contrasting with their hopeful mood. But he had to cast his grief aside and show them that they were safe now.

When the crowd grew too big, he climbed on a roof before raising his hand. Instantly, the boisterous chatter died down, and everyone's eyes sparkled in anticipation.

"I know I'm asking for a lot after what you endured in my absence, but I need you to move to the same district. If you do, I promise no creature will ever reach you." 

His solemn voice echoed in the deafening silence. He didn't know if his choice was correct, but instead of appeasing, empty words, they needed concrete actions. So, he went straight to the point, showcasing assurance to break their incertitudes.

A moment later, the crowd finally reacted.