A Simian Knight Unleashed

The simian knight crouched low, like a predator ready to pounce. Its fists tightened, and its muscles doubled in volume as its jaws opened.


A visceral fear gripped the spectator's guts as the darkness parted before the creature's mighty voice.

Arun trembled in his seat as he remembered Thomas, the knight who had ambushed and almost killed them during their first expedition. Seeing him again, even as a card, caused his heart to pound against his chest and icy sweat to cover his forehead.

Despite his immense progress and the teacher's recognition, he knew. He knew that the knight would shred him in a duel!

Fortunately, Asha's comforting hand met his shoulder as her gentle whisper filled his ears.

"Don't worry. You'll soon surpass that old creature."

He offered her a nod of gratitude, placing his hand over hers as his shaking body straightened. Next, he focused on Adam, noticing he was about to act.