Haunted Hope

Echoing her command, the sweet scent intensified, causing blood to rush to the insect lord's eyes. Animated by an irrepressible desire for the plant, its figure trembled, then blurred into motion.

Like a dark dart hurled by a ballista, it crossed the distance in a second. Mandible dripping corrosive saliva, it bit on the Carnivorous Carnation's petal, delight flashing in its eyes.

However, dread rapidly replaced it.

With a soft fling, the plant threw the monstrous chimaera into the air before sharp glints drew everyone's attention. Right then, it revealed its gapping, horrible mouth, ready to swallow the fool lured by its perfume

In a cacophony of breaking chitin, the Carnation devoured the Insect Lord like a snack before everyone's enlarged eyes.

Then, loud cheers erupted as the crowd chanted Lena's name with flushed faces.

On the dean's balcony, Maya yawned in boredom.

"That's all your disciple can do?"