A Missed Prey

After a sigh, he picked up Baldur's head, body, scythe, and the twenty-three ghost essence. Then, he entered the damp cave, dismantled the magic circles, and shoved a few beast cores, rare plants and minerals in his spacial ring. Finally, he checked the few books lined by the walls before their disgusting contents about curses and ghost creations made him scrunch his nose.

"This knowledge is best left forgotten."

With a snap of his finger, roaring flames emerged from the ground and engulfed the knowledge and Baldur's remaining possessions in their fury—revolting body parts suspended in purple fluids. 

The stench of carbonisation accompanied his steps out as smoke billowed around him.

With the destruction complete, a soft smile crept over his face as he approached Misha's sleeping figure.

He dismissed his spell, cradled her against his chest, and kissed her forehead gently.