The soft and comforting rising sun's rays filtered through the windows to caress Adam's face.
Awoken by their warm touches and the spring breeze carrying the garden's floral scent, his sparkling eyes snapped open, and his heart drummed in his ears.
Unable to contain his excitement, he jumped out of bed and shook Misha's shoulder.
"Let's go, big sister!"
"Mhh." Misha yawned like a cat and rubbed her eyelids before she gazed at him and smiled. "Sure, but let's have breakfast with Shen first."
With a nod, he dashed to the door. "Alright, hurry up!"
He tapped his foot before the door, waiting for her to freshen up while he snapped his fingers. A hot bubble condensed over his head and burst with a pop, drenching him with perfumed water. With another snap, water droplets burst from his flapping robes as a hot wind blast blew his blue hair back.