Adam shook his head, sighing in defeat.
"I'll see what I can do, but don't expect good news before a year."
"No problem, little brother. I'll have more time to save sect points." The disciple bowed, cupping his fists. "Thank you, thank you for helping me with this dream of mine."
He straightened his posture, his gaze firming as he placed a paper slip in Adam's hands. "This is my address. Night or day, find me if you need anything or if someone is troubling you."
Adam watched him strike his knuckles, wondering who had asked him. Still, he checked the disciple's name on the paper and nodded.
"Alright, senior brother Jian. Keep up the good work with your cultivation."
Waving his hand, he returned to his counter, saving the frowning Misha from the eager disciples.
"I'm not doing the selling again," she whispered to his ears, her hair bristled, and her golden eyes avoiding the clients.