A Lesson in Respect

"You hear that, Zhang Wei?" The second disciple sneered, his tone dripping condescension. "This fool is too arrogant. Let's teach him how to respect his seniors in the arena."

"I don't mind the location, but I hope your master's ego won't suffer too much after I pulverise your confidence and his expectations." Adam shrugged and gestured for them to lead the way.

The group's veins throbbed on their foreheads as their breaths hitched. He noticed how their fists clenched and unclenched in suppressed anger.

Zhang Wei spat on the ground and whirled around.

"Follow me, bastard." He turned to his juniors, his eyes narrowing into slits. "I'll do it myself. Warn master to cover for me... I'll rip his right arm off today."

The others smiled viciously as they marched to the arena.

Adam followed with Misha.

"I don't care about exposing too much, Adam. I want you to destroy that fool." Misha shoved a finger before his eyes, her expression solemn.