Dark Seer

" Before we start our journey how about we introduce ourselves?" Lockley said.

" Me first " Lyka said with a lot of vigor. He particularly seemed excited for the trip.

Lockley nodded for him to continue.

" My name is Lyka Wolfborn. Am a beast kin specifically wolves. I like Mia and meat . My goal is to become a martial grandmaster " Lyka said with a wolfish grin.

Mia was next .

" Am Mia Feybourne, Am a fox kin. I wanna become a water mage like my mom " Mia said.

Next was Lovette.

" Am Lovette Wolfborn, archer and scout. I love my little brother Lyka no matter how annoying he is. " It would be a lie for Cole to say he wasn't particularly interested with this girl the most.

His interested was particularly found on her ability to ' see ' .

" My turn then , am Lockley, am a martial master specifically at spears. Am particularly fond of my wife " Lockley said making the female mage slightly blush.

The female mage was next .

" I am Priscilla, I am a mage master specializing in earth magic. I love my staff "

This made Lockley feign being hurt.

He dramatically raised one of his hand to his wife and another hand clutched his chest.

" Oh my wife , my beautiful wife doesn't love me "

Priscilla hugged and soothed him making everyone laugh except Cole who stood unamused.

' Sexual relationships never last because it's just chemicals that make you feel you love the person when in fact you just lust after them . Am pretty sure this relationship will end in heartbreak ' Cole thought.

Finally it was his turn. Everyone looked at him.

He looked at everyone who's eyes were filled with expectant gazes.

" What I just introduced myself?" Cole said.

' Damn this jovial atmosphere, am pretty sure they're trying to be friends until one of them betrays the rest of us ' Cole internally scoffed.

He had once been in an Italian Mafia before joining the army and if there's one thing he learnt on the mafia is that betrayal always comes to those closest to you , the ones you even call family.

" Come on weak boy , tell us more about yourself " Lyka said earning a blow from her sister.

Cole internally scoffed but on the outside gave a smile.

" Very well then , I am Cole , just Cole. I was an orphan but got adopted. I love my adopted parents as they care for me like their own son. " Cole said with a Jovial expression that seemed to reminisce of the past.

He was obviously lying but by their expression and that they think he was related to Mia showed he had successfully borrowed her reputation or whatever.

Mia's reputation was like a double edged sword. He knew that she was some kind of royalty due to Lyla's blabbering and that reputation was the best yet the worst.

The best as most people wouldn't want to hurt royalty due to repercussions that came with it effectively ridding off of most nuisances .

The worst part is being used for warfare. Either being jailed and tortured for information and ransom or straight up execution. However this part was least likely that is unless someone betrayed them.

" Oh cool you're like us , except we didn't get parents to adopt us " Lyka once again said.

The reactions of people were different. Mia seemed to sympathize with Lyka while the couple didn't bat an eye. It wasn't that they weren't sympathizing it's that they had this from Lyka multiple times and in honesty the couple was like family to them.

Cole's expression was sympathizing, mostly just an act .

" Well then , should we get going?" Lockley asked making most of them nod.

The horse was high but Cole easily managed to jump on it due to his training.

The rest also didn't have a hard time. They all had their goods and were ready to go.

" Ah guys ? " Mia said earning the eyes from the group.

" What is it ?" Lockley asked.

" I don't know how to ride a Grand Horse " Mia said.

This made Cole internally groan but for Lyka it was a whole different thing.

" You can ride with me then " Lyka said happily.

This made Mia nod her head with a slight blush.

' Oh so , it's being reciprocated ' Cole mused.


The green lustre of trees surrounded the huntresses all around them. The bright sun was covered by the tall trees giving them a shade.

The huntresses had already set up a camp which was currently full of life.

Artemis was at her tent talking to 4 of her newest huntresses. Which she recruited 170 years ago.

They were all sisters who had been sold into slavery by their father to pay off his debt but luckily Artemis was there to stop them.

They all had green eyes and brown hairs with a streak of white on the edges.

Obviously they were beautiful and quite fit.

" I'll have to trouble you 4 to scout the area , monitor if there's anything unusual. And if there is, return back at all . Do I make myself clear ?"

The four nodded.

They had complimenting abilities.

One had super strength that could easily one shot minatours.

Another had some sense that could be comparable to echolocation ranging to 400 metres.

Another had an absurd speed . She could run upto 250km/hr

The last could create a forcefield. Able to withstand upto Rank 5 attacks.

Combined they were strong.

They got out of the camp and walked up to 5km east then stopped.

They started circling the camp.

" Did you notice that Artemis has been on edge since we arrived here " The super strength girl said as she walked in a carefree stance while her arms were at the back of the head.

" That's lady Artemis to you Nu . And that's just your imagination. How could our lady fear anything " The forcefield girl reprimanded her sister.

" I think Nu is right Li , she's been acting quite weird. " The super speed girl said.

" See !! Even Shu agrees . Artemis is acting very sussy . What do you think Ma? " Ni asked.

Ma was quiet and she seemed concentrated in something.

" Ma ?" Nu said questioningly not understanding her weird behavior.

Quickly her concentrated face turned to that of a frown.

" Li forcefield!! " Ma shouted and a forcefield was erected immediately.

* Baaam! *

A shockwave was created and a loud sound followed it.

Inactive birds suddenly flapper their wings and flew off in fear.

The 4 girls gulped when they saw their attacker.

Their attacker was 6'4 wore a fox mask but that didn't prevent his orange glowing eyes. He wore a rogue travellers outfit with a blue glowing necklace that hang to his chest

He jumped back .

" Tell me girls , what are you doing in my domain?" The fox mask asked.

The girls were currently gripped with fear. Everything told them to run away from this person.

" The Dark Seer?" Li muttered but that didn't escape his elf like ears.

" Ah so am quite famo..... " Suddenly multiple arrows were shot at him.

He dodged them fluidly and caught one of them .

Under his mask he frowned .

" A god " he growled those words.

Suddenly the quiet area was surrounded by multiple huntresses.

The four girls jumped back regrouping safely with the girls.

Artemis stepped forward. She flashed a confident smile.

" The Dark Seer, I've had so much about it but looking at you I don't see much" Artemis said.

The Dark Seer gave a small growl. He looked at the huntresses before disappearing with a white flash.

Artemis's confident smile slowly collapsed as she held her head in frustration.

" My lady we should hunt the man , he dared.... " The lady who was talking to Artemis was silenced.

" We let him go " Artemis said.

" But my lady "

" I said we let him go. Did I stutter?"

The lady shuddered.

" No my lady "

" Good then let's go back " Artemis said.

She looked disturbed but she was way more disturbed than what she let out.

' That person, he stole those photos from me before I could react. ' Artemis shuddered at that thought.

If what Hephaestus told Artemis was true then she was in way worse danger than she anticipated.

What the Dark Seer just said was that he could kill her anytime he wanted without her reacting in time.


Meanwhile with the dark Seer.

He landed on a tree 70 km away from the huntresses.

He gave out a small sigh.

" My bluff worked " He muttered to himself.

He was lucky to have charged himself before confronting that group.

He thought he could easily kill that goddess but she had company. Even if he was fully charged, confronting that particular goddess would drain him let alone those huntresses.

He needed to be tactical about it ,pick of huntresses one by one. Make that goddess fear the unknown, destroy her rationality then finally kill her.

He sighed , easier said than done.

Out of curiosity he took out what he had stolen from the goddess.

Three photos , himself , Cole and a another girl.

His neutral expression suddenly changed to a maniacal grin under his fox mask when he saw this photos.

" I stole this strange paper from you to make you on edge but who would have thought you'd give me such a treat " The Dark Seer said in a slightly crazed voice.

" Now who do I look for first? "