R*pe is a battle tactic

Kekekeke .

Goblins had surrounded a caravan.

Screams could be had as people adorned in a medieval knight attire were overwhelmed and killed.

Female knights however had a far more horrible fate as their armour was ripped and goblins had their way with them.

A lady watched in horror as her friends and helpers were killed.

She was around 7 feet tall . Was quite curvy however her face was average and the only outstanding trait was her unique pink hair.

She was in a royal like wagon that had been driven by eight grand horses which were currently dead . The goblins arrows had killed them.


She had those awful like laughters nearing her and she couldn't help but pray to the time goddess to send helpers.


Suddenly as if her prayers were heard two men descended from the sky. The goblins shifted their attention on them.

" Did you have to make a dramatic entrance?" Cole asked internally bearing the pain of dropping from a high height. Luckily it wasn't anything that wouldn't heal in half a minute whith his healing factors.

Lockley however chuckled. He didn't say anything and approached the first goblins in a high speed.


The laughters of the goblins had shifted to pained cries.

Cole watched in amazement as Lockley fluidly killed his opponents.

His moves had no flows and his speed was no joking matter. Cole himself had trouble perceiving his speed.

Suddenly a goblin charged at him. He dodged narrowly by jumping back .

The goblin was twice as fast as a normal human being which in Cole's eyes would be slow but currently he was inhibited by the bracelets drastically lowering his speed to 1.5 times that of a normal human being.

He could adjust it to rival the goblins but that wouldn't enhance his battle prowess. Besides if he was hurt he could heal and even level up his Skil regeneration.

The goblin seeing this jumped again towards him.

Cole clenched his fist throwing at it. His fist was slow and the goblin could have dodged had he not been midair.

Bam !

The goblin was thrown around 20 metres.

It stood up and staggered for a while giving a small shriek directed towards Cole before blood spurted from his mouth and died.

Goblins who went for Lockley with anger noticed Cole and some went to try kill Cole .

The first goblin approached him from Infront with a high speed.

Cole timed the creature and gave it an axe kick.


The goblin splattered due to the explosive force of Cole coupled with the bracelets weight.

Another goblins, successfully stabbed Cole from behind.

Cole ignored it and head-butted the goblin that tried to aim for his eyes.

He then created [ Fireball] to which he pointed at the goblin at the back incinerating him.

With some slight difficulty he removed the dagger the goblin had stabbed him with and with great precision threw to a goblin that ran towards him instantly killing it.

••• 10 minutes later ••••

" Huff , huff " Cole tried to catch his breath. He might be used to fighting but not with weights on which limited him.

Lockley glanced at three female knights who were currently alive yet dead.

Dead as their eyes held no meaning of life.

He looked at them without an ounce of pity or anything.

' After all the strong thrive while the weak can only be the slaves to the strong '

The only compassion he had is for his wife and as much as he hated to admit, the duo wolves. The rest could burn for all he cared.

Cole shifted his gaze to the raped women. Just like Lockley he had no pity for them. However one of his hand subconsciously clenched in anger.

" Why do they have such empty faces " Cole asked in a monotone.

" The goblins seeds have a chemical effect for breaking females brains so that they can be easily used to reproduce more goblins " Lockley answered slightly shocking Cole.

' I guess they don't follow the rules only species of the same kind can procreate. ' Cole internally thought.

Just then the lady who had been hiding in the wagon slightly opened the door.

" Um are they all gone" She asked.

Lockley nodded. He noticed her dress and attire and he concluded she was very important.

" Yes m'lady, they're all gone, may I know who you're " Lockley asked with a smile and a short bow.

" I am the 7th Princess of Luneiro Kingdom. Lilian " The lady said with some slight arrogance. She had seemingly forgotten she had been in danger a few minutes ago.

But who could blame her. She had a backing of a kingdom and any harm on her would be retaliated with death. Her status gave her power over the two.

" You two gentleman, be helpful and take me two your countries capital city, I need to arrive there in 20 days. I promise both of you would be paid handsomely. " She said while looking at Lockley with a slight blush.

Her actions were slightly understandable because Lockley was undoubtedly handsome.

" That my lady would be hard, we can however take you to the City of Sin, there it would only be ten days travel to the capital city. " Lockley said in humility.

" What!! You can't take me to your capital city? Do you know who I am !! " She shrieked.

" Yeah , you just told as about 30 seconds ago. " Cole said nonchalantly.

She fumed looking at Cole.

" And what does a monkey have to do in this conversation!" She shrieked.

Cole paused , their was no anger in his expression but rather a small smile was formed.

He gave Lockley a glance.

Lockley looked disturbed as if he didn't know what to do. It really seemed like he wanted to accomplish the mission in a hurry yet he feared this girl who had only power in name.

" Am sorry m'lady, we will accompany you " Cole said.

This made Lockley glance at Cole in slight horror but he calmed down when he saw his face.

He approached Cole and whispered.

" Killing her would be stupid. She has the backing of a nation, no doubt they'll be able to investigate and trace it back to us " Lockley said.

Cole gave a small mysterious smile at him.

He then turned to Lilian.

" We should go that way, there's no goblins at that path " Cole said.

Lilian nodded at the thought considering the goblins appeared at the opposite direction.

Lockley didn't say a word as Cole guided Lilian.

" Carry me ! You surely could do that as am tired couldn't you?" Lilian said looking at Lockley.

Lockley didn't know what to do with her.

" I'll carry you" Cole said.

" I don't want a monkey like you to carry me !" This made Cole give an audible sigh.

" Such a shame then. Lilian, I'd like you to meet an acquaintance. " Cole said.

Suddenly a large goblin of twice the human size landed 30 metres away.

This slightly shocked Lockley but what shocked him even more was when the grand goblin approached them with murderous intentions it seemed to slow down at Cole's words which were completely in goblins rudimentary speech !!

" I offer you a Princess of our land in return for safe passage for me and my crew. " Cole said.

Lockley wasn't fully certain he could take on a grand goblin by himself but if he gets Cole's help it will be possible but with many injuries.

This gave him slight confidence in taking care of the thing if things go south.

" You can speak our language human ?" It said in surprise.

" Answer the question" Cole said.

The goblin was confused but eventually agreed.

" Very well then I agree human , however you have 9 hours to escape my territory or you'll suffer the same consequences. " The goblin said.

It could hide it's lust and that's what made negotiations easy apart from its stupidity.

Cole smiled and gave Lockley a knowing look for them to go.

Lilian watched in horror as Cole and Lockley jumped away.

" Wait don't go !! " Lilian shouted.

The goblin smiled as it approached Lilian with a lust induced gaze and a raging boner.

" Don't you know who I am , you peasants!" Lilian shouted worry in her voice as she stepped back.

There was no reply.

The goblin was now 5 metres away.

" No wait, am sorry come back . You can drop me at the City of Sin please just... " Suddenly the goblin jumped on her pinning her down .

It ripped her clothes revealing her delicate pussy, untainted.

The goblin with excitement shoved it's dick one her.

She screamed in pain as her virginity was taken away. Blood dripped from her . She screamed as the grand goblin continued to ravage her pussy.

Slowly her screams died down and she slowly became quiet and lifeless

The only sound eminating from the forest was

Pap!! Pap!! Pap!!

Cole and Lockley were currently in a nearby forest and they both watched emotionlessly as it continued it's work.

Cole's outer expression was definitely a false ruse to his real emotions.

He was in honesty confused of his emotions delighted yet disturbed?

After the goblin finished it's feasting.

It turned around and jumped away. Around 200 metres high.

However as it was slowly descending it saw the view shift then it's head decapitate from its body.

' That human lied. ' It thought in rage as it saw the last view in this world. The human that it had talked to holding a bloody sword and the other human holding both him and it's body.

[ You have slain a goblin]

[ You have slain a goblin]

[ You have slain a goblin]

[ You have slain a goblin]

[ You have slain a grand goblin+ 6 levels, + 30unused points, + 16 perception. ]