Kidnappers 2

Priscilla's mana had drastically dropped to mage apprentice. Cole's energy had been siphoned off. He had little mana left as it had been siphoned off. Close combat would also be a death sentence as demons were naturally gifted in strength.

They both knew this and the only option left was to. 

Suddenly Priscilla pulled Mia to run as she followed her Cole did so two.

The demon cackled.

" Run!! As far as you can . Fucking victims trying to escape is more enjoyable. " He said.

Cole noticed the speed of the two was slow saw he backed up and picked both of them up.

" You guys slow him down I'll run " He said before hitting the ground and leaving a small crack on it on his sudden burst of speed.

The demon who was originally laughing stopped. He knew that if he didn't pursue them know he would lose them. 

" Stop you bastard , You can't take my women ! " He shrieked as he unfurled his wings and took to the skies.

Priscilla seeing him first approaching summoned [ Boulder rush ] that threw rocks of a third a metre squared to hit its target.

The demon could not dodge all and some of it hit him.

Mia didn't want to feel like dead weight so  she tried to summon a water pistol with the little amount of mana.

It wasn't fully formed when she threw it and when it hit the target it didn't affect him.

" Hahahaha , Is this the only thing you go... " Suddenly an oppressive feeling assaulted him.

Luckily it didn't affect the rest as they ran.

The skinny demon slowly flew down with his head low.

" He stopped. " Mia said happily.

" Yes but who knows if he'll continue his pursuit . It is far much better to keep running. " Priscilla said. Cole heeded her advice and continued running.

**** Back with the demon ****

The skinny demon knelt down to the opposite direction of where his prey ran. He was visibly shaking and cold sweat was streaming down his face.

" Soldier 81 . You together with your partner have dared tried to assault our queen. The penalty for that will be ..... " A demon soldier who had a blazing head for a head looked at the soldier in disdain.

" Confiscation of all your property. Your children and wife will be tortured and killed in front of you. Furthermore you will be used as pottery ." The skinny man's face lost all color.

In truth the punishment of his wife and children was mild compared to his.  His wife and kids would at least know death latest in a day. He however will forever remain in agonizing torture as parasites are raised in him. He won't die even after 1000 years. 

He raised his head as he cried to the  soldier.

" Please forgive me, i didn't know that girl was the prophesied one " He said with a voice begging for pity.

The fiery demon laughed slightly.

" I never talked about a girl. In all honesty my punishment was fair with the hope you hadn't known but you have fully confirmed it yourself. All your family members including your parents and siblings will be used as pottery " That verdict was enough to make the skinny demon faint.

The fiery demon looked at him with disdain. He knew clearly that there was bound to be ambitious demons running amok with the intention of defiling their queen. Lust might be part of their reason but the main one was that the queen would give unimaginable powers to her mate.

And as beast Kin were creatures that had a rule that whoever a person lost their virginity be it consensual or not was to be their mate, demons would try and flock towards her. 

The fiery beast however understood one thing. The prince was the only person chosen to be her mate , no one else. They had already started the negotiations with her parents. 

The fiery demon looked to where they had escaped and where they were headed.

The city of sin AKA Lustville.

He sighed . Should he perhaps destroy that place, raze it to the ground as a precaution? 

He however let go of such a thought . The ruler of the city of Sin was the Queen's aunt after all and she had been tasked with taking care of the girl. 

It was disappointing that they couldn't just corner her and kidnap her . Because if she was in extreme danger or perceived she was, she would return to her true form and everything in a 90km radius would be encased in ice.

The fiery demon took hold of the skinny demon's hand and in a fiery flame disappeared. 

**** Elfyim *****

" Absolutely fucking not !! " A woman shouted at a man who sat down with his head low.

The woman had elf like ears and was dressed in a green garment that showed her curves perfectly. She had snow white hair and her young beautiful skin radiated youth. She was beautiful to say the least. 

The man had fox like ears and three fox tails. He looked to be in his thirties and had a small frame. One could easily tell he hadn't been eating well .

They were currently in a study room with no one else in sight. The study rooms had shelves that held books firmly. It was large room of 40 cubic metres with only shelves and some designated areas of studying.

" I know this is hard for you to agree but please listen to me... "

" Listen to you ?! Do you even hear yourself ? You want to sacrifice your daughter for the prosperity of a kingdom that might end in an instant if calamity strikes. " The elf said banging the table.

The man sighed.

" And if i don't our country will be destroyed , forced to be the demon's slaves. Being a king requires sacrificing ..... " 

" And being a father doesn't require sacrifice? I knew my sister judged wrongly when she married you " She said.

" You are making this difficult , I am asking before all else and being a king requires the toughest sacrifices " 

This seemed to be the Elf's boiling point. 

She wanted to lunge and beat the leaving shit out of this failure of a father however she couldn't as she was the queen and she needed grace.

She racked her brain. 

" Fine , when she comes here I'll send her to you. " 

The king heaved a sigh of relief.

" Thank you for being so unders..... " 

" However , she is to stay here for 8 years. You will have her then. " The queen said.

The king frowned about to object when he felt someone speak into his ears. He knew the voice as the representative of the demon.

" Very well then . Eight years and then you will release her. If not the demons have promised war with your kin " The king said , the last part sadly .

The queen nodded. This was enough to make Mia into a peak rank 5 being. Then and only then would she be able to fight off the demons. She would naturally help her niece too.

' Looking unaware of the power that girls possesses will be the best course of action to take so as to give her time to grow and avoid the demons for that time ' The queen thought.

" Good as we are in agreement , I want you gone and tell your demons I don't want them poking holes in my Country. " 

The king hesitated.

" That- What if someone tries to assassinate her , she needs protection and.... " 

" I'll handle it "

" But.... "

" I said I'll handle it. I am her aunt after all . Just don't come here again . " 

She said before walking away angrily. 

Once she was out she turned to her guards. 

" Escort him out " She ordered. The soldiers saluted and entered the room to remove the king out.

She then turned to the maids.

" I want this castle magically cleansed. Ensure there is no magic circles in this castles. " The maids bowed and walked away.

She sighed before walking towards another room. She opened it without knocking.

She was met by a mature lady wearing her same design of garment busily meditating in the air. Those two looked like twins with the only difference being that the meditating lady had an air of matureness compared to the queen.

" Mother " The lady meditating opened her eyes as she slowly stopped floating and landed on the ground.

She smiled at her daughter .

" How are you Soliana . " She asked lovingly.

Soliana drooped her shoulders.

" Exhausted and anxious mother. I fear for my sister's daughter. " She admitted.

" Don't be she will be alright, after all she has him with her " The mother comforted.

" You never tell me who him is mother . You just say she will be alright. Are you certain he is even trustworthy. " Soliana asked earning a chuckle from her mother.

" The goddess has shown me the future and he does become trustworthy though not currently. " This made Soliana fear for her niece .

Her mother noticing this calmed her down .

" She is alright and she will arrive safely. " She comforted.

" When they arrive , I'll give that man his reward then kick him out. " Soliana declared earning a chuckle from her mother

" Aren't you curious how he will become trustworthy . " Her mother asked.

" No, currently I cannot afford to have someone untrustworthy residing in this place Aerith " Aerith slightly smiled at her daughter. A mysterious one.

Soliana knew that look. A look that said everything will go her way .