
Food was served in an orderly fashion and everyone ate to their fill . The couple was given a special place to seat and one could see them talking . Aurelius sat with Makara and Lilith . 

Nimue was enjoying herself playing with other kids. Makara looked bored as her eyes were wandering as she took sips from her wine . Lilith ate elegantly while Aurelius didn't eat at all . He didn't feel like it so he too took sips as he read a book that he seemed to have hidden from casual eyes. 

Once Lilith finished her food she wiped her mouth and began conversing .

" Geez you two couldn't even talk to each other ." 

" Bad table manners " They both said.

Lilith understood. They might have not been eating but she was and in demon's custom one was only allowed to talk only after everyone on the table was done eating . On Miniel Dynasty on the other hand as long as one did not have food on their mouth they could talk .