The Bethrowed 2

Momo sighed in relief "Okay, I am going to a brothel to relax, don't worry I will be back soon"

She stood up and went out when Yunyi shouted out "Wait!, you forgot something "

"What now"

"Your sword " Yunyi ran up to Momo with her sword.

Momo took her sword and Yunyi shifted to the back a little "now you look like a man, but to say you are still a beautiful man, wait it shouldn't be beautiful right but handsome man "

Her sister teased and they laughed together. They both went outside and on the way to the outside Gates they meet their mother

"Momo, I would like to talk to you ".

Momo glared at her "I don't think we have anything to talk about madam Xi".

"Momo please".

Momo didn't answer her and turned to her sister

"I'm coming, I will buy your favorite snacks "

Yunyi smiled "okay and buy some dumplings too"

"Okay, anything for you sugar coat" Momo left .

Her mother sighed and turned to Yunyi "Please Yunyi let's talk"

"Mother, like sister Momo said we have nothing to talk about, mom sister Momo

Has always loved you and being gentle for you but you made her like that after dad's death you went thier for her, for us, we had each other and plan on staying like that you can go find your own little world ".

"Yunyi, I know I have not been their but we really need to talk"

Yunyi sighed "Okay"


Momo entered the brothel and went to the head mistress to books room, when An Yun who was upstairs talking to a man noticed Momo downstairs, he was busy staring at her when the man called out to An Yun.

"Your Highness"


He returned his attention to the man in front of him. While Momo was talking to the head mistress who was busy flirting with her and touching her.

"Sir, why do want Lin Ruoyan, I can please you better than her, and I will collect less considering you are handsome".

Momo pushed her hand away and glared at her.

"Get your hands of me and get me Lin Ruoyan to my room".

The head mistress led Momo to her room and said rudely "I will get Ruoyan"


Momo sat down and a few minutes later Ruoyan entered with a tray of snacks and liquor, Ruoyan put the tray on the table and drew it closer to themselves.

"What happened again can't you just live you life without me".

Ruoyan sighed heavily

"I was just about to serve a fine young man"

"You really changed after you found out I wasn't a man"

"I can still remember that day"


Momo was drunk lying on the floor while Ruoyan entered and went to Momo side

"Am at your humble service sir"

"Get out"

"No,no,no you can't do it like that, even considering how handsome you are"

Momo stood up ready to leave the room when Ruoyan drawed her back and started undressing her, Momo struggled but due to effect of the liquor she was still weak

Ruoyan touched her chest and felt something round and soft .

"What this"

Ruoyan opened her clothing's to discover that she wasn't a man.

A piercing scream escaped mouth


End of flashback

"No, I don't want to remember that day, but still you are my friend no matter what happens. So what happened"

"Nothing, I just want a drink"

"Really!, You look like a grumpy old man".

"Okay, ma and Madam Xi had a fight".

Lin Ruoyan sighed "Let me guess your mom brought another man for you to get bethrowed to".


They sighed in unison

"Have you ever thought maybe your mom has a reason. You Know she started this a few months after your dad died, just ask her about it".

"Do you think I haven't asked her, I ask her every time but I don't even bother anymore she never answers me that exactly why I'm pissed off "

Momo took a bottle of liquor and started drinking it and Ruoyan took the other bottle and started drinking it. After finishing the drink Ruoyan stood up suddenly Momo looked at her suprised.

"What, why did you stand up like that "

"Let go shopping"


"Don't what me, it will help lift your mood "

Momo scoffed "or help you lift your mood, you're just a shopaholic"

"Whatever let's go"


They both stood up and got out of the room as they were about to get out An Yun spotted them and summoned one of his bodyguard "yes your Highness, I am here "

"Follow Xi Momo and find out who the other girl is"


An Yun personal bodyguard who is also is right hand man and best friend came


"You Highness"

"Yes Li Yuwie"

"I wold like to advise you as a friend now"

"Go ahead it's been long we had some friends chat"

An Yun smiled

"Well it's not really a chat, but I want to say miss Momo is a master in martial art don't you think you will be given her wrong impression by sending your bodyguards to protect her"

"Okay, I didn't know that,whatever let's go "

"You really know nothing about females"



Momo and Ruoyan entered an accessory shop, Ruoyan was looking at jewelries while Momo walked around the shop looking at acient jewelries.

"Hey Momo look at this hairpin it's really suits you" Ruoyan smiled while looking at the accessories Momo scoffed

" It's not your money you are using but look at that smile on your face" she shook her head.

"Just buy anything you want and let me go and look at some sword collections"

"Whatever, you have money but only buy swords, I have never seen a girl like you".


Momo was walking around the store looking at different jewelries, when she saw a captivating necklace made out of Jade and gold, she was engrossed in looking at it she didn't hear Ruoyan calling her

"Momo, Momo, Momo".