To find my mate

"Do you know how worried you were about you?" Auriana was asked by her father, who tried to keep a stern expression but was failing. The relief that washed over him when he received a mind-link that she was found and unharmed was still affecting him even now, and it was not helping when he wanted to reprimand her for her reckless actions.

He was a tall and huge man, not too bulky, but one look at him was enough to tell that he was tough to beat. Brown hair and beards carved his face. His eyes are a dark brown shade. All in all, he had an intimidating outlook. The strong Alpha aura around him added an extra and thicker layer of dominance to him, which has many cowering in his presence. This may be true to those outside his immediate family because, with them, he was just a doting father and loving mate.

"Auri, it's dangerous out there. You and Astrid could have been taken captive or even worse…" her mother said, unable to voice out the worst that could happen. She couldn't imagine if the vampires got to her.

Auriana looked at her mother and wondered what her reaction would be if she knew was in the arms of the vampire king. Her mother had dark hair and obsidian eyes, average height for a shifter female, and a young physical look. No one would believe that the woman was the mother of an eighteen year old daughter, especially since the child looked nothing like her or her father.

Auriana's appearance surprised everyone right from birth, and many tales were coined, and some of them claimed that she was a replica of the goddess born to them. The colour of her beast also added to this as well as the fact that she was a fast shifter.

"I am sorry, Mother and Father, but nothing happened, right? We are alright, and I am not a child anymore. How am I supposed to lead our people if I can't even defend myself against some small enemy?" Auriana stated, and her parents looked at each other.

It was true that she had turned eighteen and was old enough to make her decisions. But to them, she would always be their baby girl.

"It is quite a pity that you didn't find your mate yesterday," King Edgar said, and Auriana frowned, already having an idea of where this would lead.

"Do you think he is a human?" The Queen asked. They may sound as if they no longer care where she had been and what might have happened to her, but that was their way of trying to ease the situation and make her feel better unaware that it was making Auriana feel worse inside.

"Mhm…. It could be, we would have to take a trip to the Deranna just to be sure," King Edgar said, and her mother agreed. They both turned to look at her to ask and make sure that she wasn't against it. "What do you think, Auriana?"

"Is it that important that I should have my mate by my side? I can take care of this kingdom alone. Besides, what happens if I don't find him there? Does that mean that I would not become queen?" Auriana asked.

If she could, she wouldn't go looking for a mate in a place where he would never be found. She knew where he was, and they had found each other. The only thing keeping them apart is the fact that they come from different races that had never been friends before.

"Of course not. You will be queen, with or without a mate," Queen Dahlia said as she held Auriana's hands and squeezed them gently. "You have nothing to fear, okay?"

"Yes, Mother," She agreed and stood up. "When are you visiting the human kingdom?"

"Perhaps tomorrow, while we are taking Astrid back to her family," King Edgar replied, and she nodded her head.

"If I may be excused, I will take my leave," Auriana said and walked away after receiving a nod of approval from her parents.

"Something isn't right with her," Dahlia stated. Aurian didn't look as happy as they had expected her to be when they talked about finding her mate. Last night, she was a ball of happiness as she thought aloud, wondering what her mate would look like, but tonight, she was rather asking what ifs.

"After last night, it is only natural that she wouldn't be as enthusiastic as she used to be. She was disappointed after all," Edgar said even though he also felt it was more than that. It was as if she did not even want to go there and give it a try.

"Or is it because he is a human?" Dahlia asked but quickly dismissed the idea, "That can't be, Astrid is human yet they are best friends."

"My parents and I will accompany you," Auriana said when she entered the room Astrid occupied while she hung over. She sat on the bed where Astrid laid.

Hearing her words, Astrid sat up and came to the edge beside Auriana. "You don't have to come, my guards are with me and they are always guards from here to see me back. What happened this time? Is there trouble on the way?"

That couldn't be it, the King and Queen wouldn't leave if there was trouble.

"No, we are going there to find my mate. Every male unmated shifter in the kingdom was present last night but none of them was mine, so they believed he could be a human, just like you," Auriana replied, falling on her back in a lazy manner.

"It might be true, he could be…" Astrid was cut off when Auriana laughed. "What is it? You don't think he could be?"

"He isn't there because I know where he is," she replied. Her gaze up at the candles on the wall, most have been turned off and just a few were left on so the room doesn't plunge into total darkness.

"You have?" Astrid was surprised that she found her mate and still looked so down. She had seen shifters male and female alike, whenever they Met their mates, human or a fellow werewolf they were over the moon and inseparable.

"Mmm, he is not a human or a shifter," she stopped there. Astrid could go ahead and piece the rest herself.

Blood seem to drain from her face when she understood what Auriana meant. Her hands shook for a moment before she pulled it together. She looked out the window, the night would soon become morning , and they had not slept even for a minute , and now, she doubted whether they would be able to sleep after this.

"A vampire then," she said in a whisper as if afraid to be heard. No wonder she found it difficult to tell her parents or anyone about it or even be happy that she found him. "What will you do now?"

"I don't know. I found him today, he took it better than I did. He promised to find a way. And was also the one who asked that you be given back to me," Auriana informed her.

"King Lyrus Donovan," Astrid called the name and felt goosebumps on her arms. She was going to be his meal had Auriana not come for her. It was no wonder she was released so quickly.

Auriana did not reply but silently stared at the same candle. Astrid could not guess what was on her mind, but she knew she must be troubled. If words about this got out, the people who respect and obey her may change the way they look at her. No, they will surely change. Nothing will remain the same anymore and then, it would be harder for Auriana to take the position of Queen.

"I will wait and see what he will do, he is the king after all," Auriana said. She had just remembered his promise to come see her soon, she hoped it would be very soon so that she would know what his plans were. "Can I sleep here tonight?" She asked but her eyes had already dropped close even before Astrid could reply.

"It seems I am the only one who wouldn't be able to sleep," muttered Astrid. Pulling her up and under the covers, she also slipped inside and shut her eyes hoping to sleep as quickly as Auriana did.