I wonder....

"You summoned me, Your Majesty," Adrian stood by the door of Lyrus' bedroom and spoke. The king knew that just like every other vampire in the kingdom, he should be sleeping, so being summoned is a bit unusual, especially since it has been long since such never happened.

"How has the council been all this while? I left the kingdom under the management of the council and the council along with its members to you before my slumber," Lyrus uttered in a neutral tone. "Oh, and your relationship with your father, how has that been too?"

Adrian looked on, puzzled by the questions, but he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. Bowing his head and his gaze on the flow, he replied, "Under the rulership of the the Council, the kingdom had flours8hed, and I made sure to keep account of everything for moments like this. I also made sure to keep everyone in check and abide by the rules that govern Yinia as stated in the treaty, Your Majesty." He raised his head only to find him staring outside with his hands behind his back. Somehow, the snow outside seemed more important than what he was being told.

"And your father?" Lyrus reminded him.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but we have never been on good terms," he replied.

"I see," Lyrus nodded his head. "When was the last time that the council gathered?" He asked. Since his awakening a few days ago, the council hadn't gathered yet. They claimed he should be given enough time to recover his strength after sleeping for a decade.

He didn't mind as he didn't want to immediately go into kingdom affairs while his strength was still depleted. He needed to drink a lot of blood to recover as soon as possible. It was the reason why the human princess was taken the moment she was encountered, and that led to meeting his shifter mate. Who would have thought that after so long, he would meet her just a few days after his awakening? But that was not all, he was also met with the knowledge that members of his council whom he had trusted, were planing something sinister against her which would no doubt sever the treaty and the peace the have now would be ruined.

Lyrus didn't mind getting his hans bloody, but even he gets tired of shedding blood, too. The blood shed in the battle hundred years was enough for him, and he would like a little more time without more blood being shed unnecessarily. Any blood he didn't get to drink shouldn't be shed.

"The last the council met was ten days ago to discuss your awakening. Before that, it was six moons ago, when Werewolf warriors were spotted near our boarders and a few casualties occurred between the two sides," Adriana replied. He no longer found it strange now. The king wanted to know what had been happening while he was away. This was completely normal for a ruler.

"Have the council gather after my return from Diric," Lyrus instructed. He would use that to make sure that he didn't get the person wrong. It could also be a means to identify the other two if they were newly inducted member intonthe council while he was gone.

"As you command, Your Majesty," Adrina replied with a Curt bow.

"Have there been new inductees into the council? Is there anyone I am familiar with?" He asked.

"Well… yes, there have been a few inductees, but that was five years ago, and they were to replace a few traitors spotted within the council," Adiana replied. This was a difficult topic he would have preferred to have while in the meeting with the council so all the attention wouldn't be on him but, it was still okay, the next time this was brought up, he wouldn't be the one the king will question.

"What happened to the traitors?" He was now realizing that they might be more than just one person whom he knew involved in the plan.

"They have been sent on exile, Your Majesty," Adrian replied, and Lyrus' eyes turned sharp and crimson at the same time.

He was hoping g to be wrong but now, this was all that he needed to confirm his suspicion. Who else would want to ruin the peace and bring trouble on both side than a group of vengeful traitors?

"Prepare for my trip immediately. We leave in two days. Have Edgar know of my visit and make sure no one else withing Vareecien know about this trip," he instructed, turning around and walking out of the room immediately. Sleep was far from him. After sleeping for a decade, and what he had just heard, he didn't think he would get any anytime soon.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Adrian replied knowing he ould stoll be heard. He walked out of the king's bedroom and shut the door. He walked but further following Lyrus but stopped when he spotted two palace guards. "Follow tye king but maintam your distance. Do not get close or you will provoke him," he instructed and the guards bowed,

"Yes, Master Adrian," they said snd left tongollow the king.

"I hope nothing is wrong, Lyrus, you have just awakened," Adrian said, talking to himself. He knew thay it was no longer ger just about finding his mate and the fact thay she was a Werewolf. He must caught wind of something else if not, his instructions would be so strict. Lyrus was strong enough to stand against any vampire so he never really cared about secrecy but now, he was going far away from how he used to be.

"A werewolf, huh? Why do I want to know what will happen if everyone learns of this?" He chuckled. Running a hand through his blonde hair, he bit the corner of his lips until he drew blood and sucked on it until it closed and there was nothing to suck on again. "That would be fun, and filling. I wonder if another war will start or our races will unite."