Another Confidant

Auriana looked out the carriage's window at the moon, the moon shining as brightly as the day before. She could hear the sound of the wolves howling at the distance and suddenly, she felt caged and wanted to be free. To run under thay moonlight and be free just like those wolves. To howl at the moon in total freedom.

Not sitting like some entitled princess, carried around like she couldn't do anything for herself. The tense atmosphere inside the carriage didn't help her at all and her Wolfe just wanted leap out of that very window. They both wanted to be free. To run loose. Feel the cold wind caressing their fur. To let out the animal nature in them.

"Stop the carriage," she commanded using the Alpha's command.

Immediately the carriage stopped and everyone turned to look at the carriage. Edgar and Hazel who sat inside it with her looked confused but she did not say anything. Instead, she took off her fur coat and exited the carriage.

"I'd like to run back to Diric," she said and shut the door. She didn't wait for them to reply and walked forward increasing the distance between her and the carriage.

"You felt that too, right, Edgar?" Hazel asked. This was the first time they had a first hand exprience of what Auriana's Alpha aura was like and it was comparable to that of Edgar, yet she was still so young.

"Mhm," Edgar hummed with a smirked. What father wouldn't be proud of his child surpassing him? Any parent would be happy to have their child surpass themselves. "We should join her, it's been a while since we had a good run and it will make the journey much shorter."

"Agreed, but we should keep our distance, Auri wouldn't like that," Hazel agreed.

Auriana had long shifted into her beast form and taken off the moment she came out. Her personal guard followed her not requiring any instructed to do so.

"Slow down a little will you, Your highness," he called through the mind link.

"I didn't ask you to follow me, Calleb," Auriana responded but slowed down just as he had asked.

He caught up to her and showed his fangs and she knew he was grinning. "It is becoming harder to keep up with you. You get faster everytime," he said.

"Try to keep up," She picked up her pace again forcing him to do the same. "Why did follow me? You know that I want to be alone."

"Something is bothering you. Today, you had a fight with the King and Queen, it is unlike you to do that. What is wrong, Princess?" He asked. Right now, the best way of conversing was through the mind link and it was also the most secure way of making dure no one else heard them.

"You wouldn't understand, Caleb," she replied. She contemplated whether to tell him or not but jus decided to leave it be.

"This has to do with your trip to the boarder, right?" He asked and Auriana nearly tripped on her footing. "Yes, I know that you sneak most of the time to the boarder. There is a doorway in that cave that opens up only to you and anyone with you. I have seen go through it before. One time I followed you and was lucky to not get caught," he confessed and she chuckled awkwardly. "What happened this time at the boarder? Or does the king know that you go there?"

"No, he doesn't," she replied defeated that her secret was known not only to her and Astrid but even her guard knows about it too. "Who else know about the secret passage?" She asked to be sure that others didn't.

"Irene, I told her. That is why we are able to cover for you when you go like that. Your parents would have figured it out long ago had we not been covering for you," Calleb said.

This was all new knowledge to Auriana and she was grateful that they kept her secret even from herself. It was ironic to think she was trying to keep it from them yet the knew and kept it from her. "Thank you," she said in gratitude. Caleb was her personal guard while Irene her waiting maid. Together they kept her secret perhaps she could open up to them. Now that she knew, she could use that to her advantage. They could help her out a lot more now.

"You are welcome, Princess. Now can you tell me what is bothering you? I can't help unless I know," Caleb implored.

"It's about my mate. I found him," she revealed and he stopped which also made her stop. Silence ensued and within the little moment of silence, she focused her attention on the external sounds and was able to detect the sound of wolves running as well but unlike those she heard the first time, these were from shifters. "Let's keep going," she said already having an idea of what was going on.

"Wait, Princess…" she had already started running again and he followed her. "Why do we not know about this? And why is it the reason for fighting with your parents. Isn't that what they wanted? A crown by your side?"

"Beacsue he is not who the wanted him to be," she replied and he got even more confused. There was no way they could have known who her mate would be.

"I guess he is a human then?" Auriana was silent so he knew that was not it. "Don't tell me you are mated to Princess Astrid," he said in utter disbelief. There were fee case like that wer shufters were mated with people if the same gender.

Auriana stopped wanting to hit him in the head for thinking of something so absurd. "He is a vampire, you fool," she yelled instead of going physical on him.

"What! Now that is even worse than being mated to the princess," he said and this time she hit him. "I am sorry, Princess. No wonder they are unhappy about it. What are you going to do now?"

"Don't spew nonsensicals again," he hummed. "I want to meet him, but I doubt I will have the chance to do that now that Father and Mother will be watching my every movement like hawks."

"Irene and I can help if you'd ever need us," Caleb offered and she hummed. "just out of curiosity though, who is he? I hope he is someone worthy of your status."

"Their king," Auriana replied and he tripped falling on his stomach. "Get up before Father sees you and realizes what is going on."

"Yes, My princess," he said and stood up immediately. "I can't wait to tell this to Irene, she will be shocked as hell," he laughed but she ignored him.