He is here

"Edgar?" Hazel called as she walked with hurried steps back to their room. It was already sunrise, it could be possible that he had already gone to prepare for the vampire's visit later on but she still thought to check him in the room. His mind was blocked and she couldn't reach him. "Edgar?" She called out again and he responded from within the bathroom.

"I am here," he said and she sighed, relieved that he was still in the room. Hazel walked into the bathroom and found him soaking in the bath. His eyes that were closed before opened as she walked inside.

"Why did you block me out?" Hazel asked since it would have been easier to reach him had he left his mind open to her even if he didn't want others to get into his mind's space.

"Forgive me for doing that. You look troubled?" Edgar noticed. He came in and couldn't find her. He wanted to go look for her but learned that she had gone to see Auriana so he just let her be but now she was returning distraught.

"It's Auriana…" she stopped to take a deep breath. "She said her mate could feel their bond," She said. Never had she heard that vampires had mates. When shifters were mated to humans, only the shifters felt the bond. The humans may just grow into loving the partner but never feel the pull of the bond. The same goes for vampires but now, there was one out there that could feel it?

"I see," Edgar said with a thoughtful expression.

"I see? That's all you have to say?" Hazel could not believe his reaction to what she had just said. It should be impossible and a matter of great concern that it was possible but he was so casual about it?

"Hazel," he calmly called. All day he had been angry and reacted rather wrongly to what Auriana had said. Well, not all that wrong but it was a bit hasty and harsh. Just hearing that he was a vampire had riled him up he even missed his chance to get to know the vampire's name. All his search now would only be as good as searching for a needle in a haystack. A name would have narrowed it down a notch. He couldn't make the same mistake this time. A vampire mate who could feel the pull of the mate bond, it was new but so was the news of having a vampire mate.

Vampires get married just like humans which means that they don't have mates. If they did then marriage and stuff like that wouldn't be possible. They could have had mating ceremonies as well or the likes of it.

"I understand that you are shocked to hear that, and so am I, but we can not act rashly about this situation," Edgar looked at his wife who was always composed. Even more composed than himself. But now she was shaken. As a mother, he understood her plight. "We need to find him and question him and if we can, ask him to reject the bond. Auriana shouldn't be hurt if he is the one who does it," he knew that wouldn't be it. She would be heartbroken to have her mate reject her. That still hurts.

"Alright you are right, Edgar," Hazel said after taking a moment to calm herself. She walked behind the bath and took the soap to help him up. "I am sorry I overreacted."

"That is alright," he replied and cupped her face. She was still the same, as beautiful as the first day that he met her, and just as always. His beast just wanted to keep her in his arms.

He let go and looked away when he remembered that they were planning to deprive their daughter of this very feeling. The feeling of never having enough of your mate. The feeling of not wanting to let go of them. 'I am sorry, Auriana,' he said in his mind.

Night fell sooner than many would like but as it has come, there was nothing that could be done about it. Edgar and Hazel prepared to receive their royal guest but Auriana was nowhere in sight.

"Sent for the princess, I can not get through to her," Edgar said to the servants nearby. They bowed and left with a, "Yes, your Majesty." Edgar could feel from the far end of the border, that new life was entering his territory.

As Alpha and king of the kingdom, he could sense everything that trespassed into his territory and also decipher whether or not it was friendly or one to be disposed of. This is one of the perks as well as the burden of being king. The regular alpha would feel what enters his or her pack's territory, while he feels everything within the kingdom.

"Is it right to have her here? I mean this would be their first meeting," Hazel asked. She didn't know whether to allow her or not. Something was telling her not to whole her reason told her that as the future Queen, Auriana needed to be present.

"Lyrus will be here throughout the night and the day after now. There might be chances of an incidental meeting and that would serve as an insult to him should it happen. Before that happens, they should get acquainted with each other. This is also to Foster our diplomatic relationship as well as help Auriana know the man she would be working with in the future," Edgar replied with reason.

"Yes, you are right. I was worried over nothing," Hazel said with a faint smile.

A few minutes later, Auriana arrived, dressed in a white dress that matched her hair. "You sent for me, Father?" She asked even though she already had an idea of the reason she was called.

"King Lyrus will be here soon, I want you to join us as we receive him," Said Edgar. He gazed keenly upon her as he tried to read her.

Auriana was stunned for a moment but quickly put herself together. "That is the vampire King, right, Father?" She asked and he nodded. "I thought he is yet to awaken?" As happy as her wolf was at the news of his coming, Auriana had to keep it cool or she would risk giving away the fact that he was her mate.

"That is what we believed too but as it is, he is awakened and is on his way coming to us," Edgar replied and nodded. "Come, they are here," he said, surprised at their speedy arrival.

"That was rather fast," Hazel commented as she stood up, ready to leave. "It is expected knowing that the one coming is an ancient vampire, he is faster than the others."

Auriana remained silent as she tried hard to keep her wolf in control. Nothing could go wrong here, not even after meeting him or during the meeting. They started walking towards the front door, with every step that she took forward, she felt the pull grow stronger and she wondered if he was feeling the same.

Arriving outside, it didn't take Auriana a second longer to locate him. Their eyes met but none said or did anything, they just stared into each other's eyes. Her heartbeat accelerated as the time dragged on.