princess Astrid 2

Meanwhile, Auriana, oblivious of the turmoil her departure had caused, rode to her grandparent's home, which wasn't hard to find with Sebastian's directions.

They stopped and tied the horses. Caleb stayed behind to feed them.

Knocking on the door, Auraian stood with anticipation. It has been a long time since she saw her grandparents, and this had her both worried and excited to see them. She worried because she was about to ask for help on something that could sever their relationship. And she was excited to see them once again.

A minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching the door as well as the familiar sound of her grandfather coming closer to the door. She held her breath when the door handle turned.

The door opened, and she was immediately pulled into an embrace, which took her by surprise, but she knew he was already aware of her presence through her scent.