Chapter 35: Torment of Truth - A Year Long Fight (Finale).

The haunted mansion then crumbled, bring up a mist of thick dust and debris. Not only that, it seemed like the entire planet was shaking, which it was. Craters and crackers formed across the planet, destroying buildings and landforms.

The mist then subsided.

"Hey," said Ralph in a menacing. "What do you think you're doing?"

Kris then took out Aqua, the cleaver.


Aqua Cleaver - Legendary/Level 1]

"What do you mean?" Kris inquired with a lifeless voice. "Are you illiterate? Can't you see that I'm trying escape?"

"*Sigh* Kerah," said Ralph.

Kerah then answered in confused manner, ".. Uhh, yeah?"

"I want to call Mr. White and search for the rest of the doctors," said Ralph.

"Huh? How am I suppose to do that?" Kerah inquired. "And Mr. White lives three days away from this place. That's why he only comes once a month."

"I don't give a shit," Ralph said as he summoned a great sword from his purple aura.

The great sword was black but had crimson designs. It was surrounded by a dark purple flame that seem to never burn out.

"We have a job to do, do we not?" Ralph inquired, taking his stance.

"Ahh! Whatever," Kerah said. "I'll do my best. Good luck."

Kerah then ran away from the scene.

"I don't need it."

Ralph then charged towards Kris with insane agility. He swinged his blade at Kris's neck.

Kris peered at the blade that was - to him - moving quite slow, while it slowly approached his neck. He then dodged the attack by hunching his upper body backwards. In real time, attack moved almost at the speed of light, which pushed away all the dust and rubble.

"Damn," Kris said. "What a strong but slow swing."

Ralph, unfazed, draw back his sword and lifted it in the air. Then he struck it down towards the ground.

Kris just dodged by taking two quick steps backwards.

Ralph then began to swing rapidly at Kris. But all the attacks - horizontal, vertical or diagonal - Kris dodged with ease and efficiency. He did it so gracefully as if he was trying to tease Ralph.

Ralph draw back his sword once again. He rubbed his hands at the top of his sword, enchanting the dark purple flames. He then ducked and preformed a stab which was faster then the speed of light.

"(I'm caught in a bit of a pickle.)" Kris said, because to him, the sword was moving at a speed that didn't give him time to move.

Instead of retreat, Kris did a spilt and arched his upper towards his left.

Ralph then inquired to himself, "This guy is crazy flexible."

The next second, a knee hit him in the face. Then a kick that swiped him off his feet. Finally, a slash of water that severed Ralph's head.

"A couple years off," Kris said as he rest the cleaver on his shoulder.

Suddenly, a whole gang of people appeared, forming a large circle around Kris. They all were in dark clothing and some in black mask that covered their mouth or entire face.

Kris glared them down menacingly with his lifeless yet golden, glowing eyes.

He said, "Is there a party going own?"


[Six Weeks Later...]

Kris slashed through two doctors with his daggers, Eden and Efriet, while running on water. His hands, face and clothing was covered in purple blood as well as his weapons.

The entire planet was flooded with water that made its way up to about a hundred kilometers.

Kris seemed to as huffed while standing on the water. The next second, he fell down in the vast ocean.

[4 Months Later...]

Ralph sat on a piece of concrete that was floating above water.

He said, "When will Mr. White arrived?"

"I don't know? Maybe the next day," answered Kerah who was floating in the air.

"That's what you say everyday," Ralph said.

"Then what am I supposed to say," said Kerah. "You're the one that keeps asking."

Ralph then said, "Yeah, because you're the one that contacted Mr. White four months ago."

"Argghhh!" Kerah groaned, irritated.

[6 Months Later..]

Kris exhausted as he floated on the surface of water. He stared at the grey sky which made it seemed like it was going to rain. That was not true as the sky was always filled with grey clouds, never showing the sky.

Only once Kris saw the sky and it was pink.

Abruptly, a large meteor came crashing down from the sky heading straight towards Kris.

Kris got up and began to stand on the water. His eyes then glowed as he observed the meteor.

"Weak spot detected," he said.


Transcendent (Katana) - Divine/Level 2]

Kris leap into the air and struck the meteor on the button right with Transcendent. Lightning struck the meteor as it crumbled into a million pieces.

Kris then glared into the sky and saw a doctor on drenched black clothing.

"Eek?!?" The guy squeaked in terror as sweat ran down his face and his nose began to run.


True Form Eden (Dagger) - Mystical/Level 4]

Kris tossed his dagger towards the guy in the air, stabbing him in the heart and making purple blood gust from his chest. The man then fell down and hit the ocean surface, making a splash noise.

Purple liquid then began to fill a certain spot in the ocean.

"Six more months and I'm out of his place," said Kris as he laid down back on the ocean surface.

"... I don't even know what I was so scared about. Nothing scary about this place."

[1 Year Later...]

Kris was laying down on a piece of concrete until he suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to wake up. He looked forward and in the distance, he could see someone or something approaching. The area infront of him was covered in a black, menacing aura. White lightning came from out of the now black clouds.

Kris got up on his two feet as he felt hat he must be prepared for what is coming. What was it?

"What is this?" Kris inquired.

The next twenty minutes passed in suspense. Kris felt wavering and his will fading. He was once again... scared.

"Hello, sonny," said a old and jolly voice which held a menacing and malice tune. "Long time no see."

"What.. what are you doing here?" Kris inquired.

Mr. White then said, "What do you mean? You're on my home after all. And here you are, destroying."

"I must say, sonny, but I'm quite disappointed and pissed," Mr. White said as he ripped off his tie. "Let's have some fun for old time sake."

With immense speed, Mr. White closed the distance in less than zero point five seconds. He slapped Kris in the face with a rusty nail which then extended and stabbed through his, brain, skull and then head.

"Hell?" Kris said as he could fell the agony. "How am I.. still feeling pain?"

Mr. White then said, "Think about it like this. You have a ninety nine percent resistance to elemental attacks. If I hit you with a hundred elemental attacks, one will sure to affect you."

"So what are you telling me?" Kris said lifelessly as he pulled out the nail from his head.

[Active Skill:

Divine Heal - Holy/Level 5 (MAX)]

"What I'm telling you is..."

Suddenly, a thousand nails erected from Kris's body from every and different parts.

Kris coughed out blood and bleed continuously.

He said with blood on the corner of his mouth, "Hey, I do feel little pain, but that's not what affecting me. What I feel right now... is fear."

Kris then charged at Mr. White while summoning Aqua from his Inventory.

"And I want to get rid of that fear and go about me sad life, and defeat Omega."

Kris raised his right arm with Aqua in it and the ocean began to flip. A gigantic wave of water came towards Mr. White with Kris riding on top of the wave. It crashed against the man.

"Impressive," said an old voice.

"Huh?" Kris inquired.

"I'm not pissed anymore since I know that I can fix this 'flooding problem.' But I haven't get my daily dose of happiness yet," said Mr. White in a menacing voice. "And I have one hundred and thirteen seconds before you go to the next Floor."

The next second, a million nails came from out of Kris's head. On all of them, a piece of jelly-like was on.

[Active Skill:

Divine Heal - Holy/Level 5 (MAX)]

"You can heal yourself even though you can't think, huh?" Mr. White inquired.

[Active Skill:

Instantaneous Acceleration - Unique/Level 5 (MAX)]

Kris approached Mr. White at a quick pace and his eyes were glowing.

"You have too many openings, old man," said Kris as he aimed his blade at Mr. White's neck.

"You too, sonny."

Kris's liver, kidney, guts and heart then came out of his body on four nails.


The planet began to shake once more.

[Quest Completed!]

"Yes, you can go now," said Mr. White.

A blue portal appeared Kris floating body, which quickly healing.

Mr. White then kicked Kris into the air.

"Oh, I forgot," said the old man. "I didn't tell what you are!"


Mr. White then kicked Kris towards the portal.

".. a demon of envy who's the son of a true Devil."

[You've arrived at Floor 62!]

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter: Mass Tournament - Elimination Round (1).