Chapter 3. Awakening of Kaelic: A Guardian's Farewell

Sleep Mode Deactivated

I yawned, the heaviness of countless eons lifting from my eyelids. The taste of ancient dreams lingering on my tongue. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Player has been sleeping for approximately 1.2 billion years," the emotionless voice echoed across space.

In shock, my heart skipped a beat, "How am I alive if I've been sleeping that long?"

The system, indifferent to the plight of deities, remained silent. My eyes widened, taking in the cosmic ballet of three planets and a Yellow Dwarf sun. The universe sprawled before me, a canvas of my own design. "Oh wow, the universe is beautiful. I can't believe I made something like this."

"Guardian Configuration Tutorial Commencing," the voice announced with robotic clarity. "Player, please create a Guardian."

Confusion set in like a dense fog, "What is a guardian?"

"A Guardian is a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God. Options include angel, spirit, cherub, and seraph."

I mulled over the possibilities and chose a nature spirit, envisioning it as a custodian for the natural world on these newborn planets.

"Provide characteristics and a name for your Guardian," instructed the voice.

Images of myth and legend danced through my thoughts. I settled on a wolf-human hybrid with vibrant green hair and eyes, a blush creeping onto my face.

"Loading... Please wait," the voice intoned.

Before me materialized the Guardian, her form ethereal and bare. My face turned away as a nosebleed began – a human reaction in the face of divine creation. "Can you provide her some clothes, at least?"

"Unable to provide clothing due to lack of resources. You must develop your world first before clothing your Guardian."

I smirked at the absurd situation. "Well... at least she's here, I guess."

"Please provide a name."

Names fluttered through my mind like leaves in the wind, until, "How about Sylvana? I feel like it captures the essence of nature itself, don't you think?"

The system, ever silent, gave no response.

"Tutorial complete. Sylvana is starting to regain consciousness."

Sylvana's eyelids flickered open, confusion and fear evident in her gaze. "Where... where am I?" Her eyes locked onto mine, her voice filled with the vulnerability of a newborn. "Who are you... Who am I?"

I prepared to introduce myself, but then thought better of it. No, a god needed a more imposing title. "My name is Kaelic, the god of this solar system. I created you," I said, still avoiding her eyes.

"God Name Accepted. Kaelic the Unstable has been generated."

"The Unstable?" I chuckled. "I guess that's what I get for picking a mad god... Then again, it might be fun."

Sylvana, unburdened by the weight of existence, pressed against me. "So does this mean you're my father? Yay!"

Blood escaped my nostrils in zero gravity, a crimson mist in the void, and darkness claimed me once more.

{SFX: Thud}

I came to, nestled softly against something. Slowly, my eyes opened to the sight of Sylvana, her face close to mine, her chest just a breath away as I lay on her thighs.

"Have you had a good nap?" Her voice was a melody, each word a note played to seduce the soul.

My pulse raced, my nose a crimson fountain once more, and darkness took me.

"Father, oh no, not again," she murmured with concern.

{SFX: Rustle}

When I awoke, I was quick to turn away, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Sorry you had to see that," I muttered, my hand brushing through my hair. "Now let's get things in order, Sylvana. Your job is to create the world's natural environments."

"How am I going to do that?" Her voice trembled with curiosity.

Enable Magic

As I allowed the magic to wash over the solar system, I explained, "It will come to you as naturally as breathing when you are on a planet."

I looked at her, my smile a beacon of reassurance. "Are you ready to explore?"

"Warning: Once the Guardian is on the planet, they will be unable to return until the Player reaches a certain God Tier," the system interjected, its voice devoid of emotion.

A pang of regret struck. Despite her state, I moved closer, wrapping her in an embrace that spanned the cosmos.

"I'm going to miss you. Please take care of yourself, alright?" My voice broke, tears floating away in the void.

Memories of a friend I could never see again haunted me, the loneliness a tangible specter in this vast emptiness. Sylvana's tears joined mine, her grip on me a lifeline in the vacuum of space.

"Father, I don't want to leave you," she wept, her voice a crescendo of despair.

But before she could hold on any longer, the system spirited her away to one of the habitable planets.

{SFX: Woosh}

A cocktail of sadness, rage, and loneliness surged through me. The raw void in my heart seemed to echo the emptiness of space.

The system, unfeeling, prompted, "Please provide a name for the planet where Sylvana resides."

"Will I ever be able to talk to Sylvana again?" I asked, my voice heavy with grief.

"Depending on the Player's progress, you will be able to send brief messages to the Guardian. Messages can be sent four times every 5,000 years. If Sleep Mode is activated between this time, user messages will reset. Depending on the User's God Tier, the time and frequency of contact may change."

"5,000 years?! She might not even be alive for that long. How will I be able to contact her if she's dead?" My words were sharp, edged with panic.

"Guardians live for eternity but can still age," the system replied calmly.

A wave of relief washed over me, yet my concerns lingered like shadows at dusk. "You mentioned that depending on my tier, I can contact her. What tier am I currently?"

"User is still in the Tutorial stage. God Tier will be assigned after the rest of the tutorials are completed."

Determination ignited within me, a flame against the coldness of this new existence. I turned to the system