Chapter 11: In the Clutches of Alex's Power

As I, stepped forward, the tension in the air was palpable. Zephyr and Aria exchanged a silent nod, their faces set in a grim mask of determination. It was clear to me that they knew what was at stake – they were ready to go all out.

"Let's do this, Aria," Zephyr spoke, his voice a low rumble of resolve.

"Right," Aria responded, her voice a sharp blade of readiness.

In unison, they activated their Time skill, "Acceleration." The world around us stretched and distorted, colors blurring as they both gained incredible speed and agility. To counter, I invoked my own magic, "Slow Down," casting a spell that ensnared my movements in a sluggish veil.


Aria's head turned just in time, her eyes capturing my form in slow motion as I launched an attack. She dodged, her body flowing like water, the slow-motion world making her evasion seem like a graceful dance.

"You shouldn't have taunted him, Aria," Zephyr chided with a sharp glance.

Aria's smirk was the only answer she gave as she reached out to strike me. Her fist met air as I disintegrated into a murder of crows, their cawing a distorted cacophony that filled the room. "CAW! CAW!" My shadow clones, born from the flock, descended upon them in a relentless assault.

Every defeated clone became two, a never-ending multiplication that overwhelmed them. They fought with desperate precision, their every move a symphony of exertion and focus, but the crows kept coming. "SWISH! BAM! CRASH!" Feathers flew, and clones fell, but the true me remained elusive.

Aria was backed into a corner, clones closing in. "HAAA!" they chanted, their voices a sinister echo as red magic crackled at their fingertips.

"NO, Aria!" Zephyr's shout was a slow-motion roar as he tried to reach her, but the temporal drag held him back.

The clones' magic converged on Aria, "Red Lightning Clap!" The room lit up with a crimson flash.


Aria hit the ground, a silent figure amidst the chaos of crows.

Tears and anger mixed within me as Zephyr's pain was palpable, but I couldn't let on. "She'll be fine; my crows are healing her," I said, my voice steady, betraying none of my inner turmoil.

Zephyr's grief turned into a blaze of determination. "You'll see the true power of Time and Fate, even in a spar!" he declared, materializing a katana with a thought.


Time bent even further to his will, but I was ready. I had been studying them, understanding their magic. As Zephyr's blade sliced through the air, I moved with a calm that belied the slowed time around us.


He missed by inches, his frustration mounting. But Zephyr wasn't done yet. He poured his magic into a "Temporal Rift," his blade cutting through the air and crows alike.


But the crows exploded into a dark cloud, feathers lashing out like knives.

"ARGH!" Zephyr grunted, his resolve hardening against the pain.

"Enough with these crows!" Zephyr bellowed, his strikes "SWISH! SWISH!" slicing through the air with futile precision. Each attack was a calculated thrust, a desperate bid to find me, yet I remained a wraith amidst the shadows, my movements a fluid dance of evasion.

"FLAP! FLAP! FLAP!" The crows mocked Zephyr's efforts, their numbers never dwindling.

I watched Zephyr, his spirit unbroken despite the relentless assault. It was time to end this. With a swift motion that cut through the slowed time, "WHOOSH!" I caught Zephyr's katana mid-strike. His eyes widened, a silent gasp of surprise escaping him.

In the blink of an eye, I was upon him, my fists a blur "POW! POW! POW!" with each hit resonating like the beating of wings. "Crow's Judgment!" I called out, a series of precise strikes targeting his pressure points, the gauntlets on my hands glowing ominously.

Zephyr crumpled to the ground, immobilized. "What... was that style?" he managed to gasp out.

"Boxing," I said with a grin, "with a twist. These gauntlets, and your challenge, have taught me much." I paused, considering their defeated forms. "Shall we go another round?"

Zephyr and Aria, lying beaten and exhausted, looked up at me, their expressions a mix of defeat and awe. "Please, no more..." they pleaded, their voices a whisper of surrender.

I chuckled softly, the sound echoing in the still room. "I get bored too, you know," I mused aloud, a hint of mischief in my tone as I gazed at them. The corners of my lips lifted into a smirk, a knowing look in my eyes.

As they lay there, their chests heaving, I considered the depth of my own power. The secrets I held were like an abyss – endless and waiting to be explored. I could see the questions in their eyes, the same ones that often haunted me. What other mysteries did I possess? What untold strengths lay hidden within? The path of mastery is long and full of surprises, I thought to myself, and today was but a glimpse of what's to come.