Chapter Six

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, I yanked Tyrone away from Rye, fearing that his fiery anger might inflict further harm on my friend. My voice quivered as I confronted him, tears blurring my vision. I couldn't comprehend his erratic behavior. Just moments ago, he was ignoring me, and now he was furious, launching an unprovoked attack on Rye, who had done nothing wrong. His eyes bore a chilling coldness, a stark contrast to the fire that once burned within them.

"What's wrong with you, Tyrone!?" I shouted angrily, my emotions on the brink of overflowing. I couldn't fathom his sudden shift in temperament. He locked eyes with me, but I couldn't decipher his feelings. It was as though the fire in his gaze had been extinguished, replaced by an icy void.

"Let's go," he said emotionlessly, extending his hand towards me, seemingly indifferent to my turmoil. I shook my head, my heart aching as I turned to help Rye stand up. I glimpsed a flicker of pain in Tyrone's eyes, but it vanished almost instantly.

"I said let's go," he repeated with a firmness that sent shivers down my spine. Despite his words, a lingering coldness remained in his voice. It was only then that I noticed his hand was still outstretched towards me. I can't bear to be near him now. The anger and frustration towards him intensified. He had no right to hurt Rye like that. After all, Rye only reacted because Tyrone had dragged me away abruptly.

"You know what, Tyrone! You're impossible! I can't understand you. You're so impulsive. Look what you've done!!" I pointed at Rye, who winced in pain from the punch. "You're so immature! You always want to do things your way. You didn't even bother asking if I wanted to come with you or not! It's infuriating! Don't you even dare come near me again!"

"Let's go...." he whispered, as if unsure if he truly wanted to pull me away. His face contorted in what seemed like pain, and he lowered his hand. He had no right to hurt anyone, and I refused to be a part of it.

"I'm not immature," he finally said, as if my words were just sinking in. He stared at us for a few moments before walking away from Rye and me.

"I'll go with you to the clinic," I told Rye, taking his arm gently. Luckily, our professor didn't show up during the class, sparing us from further conflict. I feared that the situation could have escalated even more if our professor had witnessed the altercation. My classmates, who had witnessed the whole incident, remained passive and didn't offer any help. They were fiercely loyal to Tyrone, no matter his actions.

"He's jealous, you know?" Rye suddenly mentioned as we walked towards the clinic. If I didn't know him well, I might have thought he was joking. I raised an eyebrow, not fully believing him.

"You think Tyrone's punch is that powerful?" I replied, shaking my head slightly at Rye's teasing remark.

"No, really. I'm making this up," Rye asserted seriously, but I knew he was being sarcastic, making me laugh again. I couldn't comprehend why he kept bringing up these trivial matters.

"Alright then, let's just say Tyrone has a strong punch," I said, calming my laughter.

"You're so dense sometimes. No wonder-agtpdwpmpt," Rye's last words were almost inaudible, and I couldn't catch the full meaning.

"What?" I asked, curious about what he'd said.

"I said nothing. I'll be in trouble with my boyfriend for sure," Rye replied, gesturing towards his swollen jaw that he was carefully touching as if to soothe it.

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?" I asked in surprise.

"What do you think? Am I not good-looking enough?" Rye retorted with a sassy flip of his imaginary hair, making me laugh. As we entered the clinic, we didn't get a chance to talk further. I was genuinely surprised when Rye didn't reveal who punched him when the nurse asked.

"Sorry about that, Rye," I apologized again.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine," he reassured me, flexing his biceps playfully. "Anyway, it's already four o'clock. Do you want to come with me? Let's visit Vince; he's outside."

"Vince? Who's that?" I asked, puzzled.

"Wait and see," Rye replied, smiling sweetly and excitement glinting in his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what surprises awaited me.

As we walked from afar, a striking blue sports car parked outside the campus caught my attention. But it wasn't just the sleek vehicle that drew my eyes; there was someone leaning against it. His curly hair ranged from light brown to a beautiful shade of blonde, framing his face with effortless allure. And, oh, was he tall! When I say tall, I mean towering over everyone else. He must have been around 6'11". In contrast, I felt quite small, with my petite 5'2" frame.

"Hey, sweetie," the foreigner called out, and for a split second, I thought he was addressing me. However, my surprise doubled when Rye, the flamboyant and charismatic guy I knew, embraced and kissed him. It was clear they shared a deep affection for each other, evident in the way their bodies naturally gravitated together. I couldn't help but smile at the sheer warmth radiating from them.

Vince, the foreigner, was a vision to behold. His charm was irresistible, and he exuded an aura of confidence that captivated those around him. Rye, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease, basking in Vince's presence, the intimacy between them genuine and undeniable.

For a moment, I felt like an outsider, observing a love so pure and sincere. Their PDA made my heart flutter, yet at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. It reminded me of my own struggles with relationships and how I longed for that kind of affection. My feelings were a tumultuous mix of awe, longing, and a hint of jealousy. Why did they have what seemed like an unshakable connection while I still searched for someone who could truly understand and love me?

But then, Vince's eyes locked with mine, and he offered a warm, welcoming smile. The gesture felt like an invitation into their world, easing my momentary unease. Rye, still in Vince's embrace, looked at me too, and a playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He was inviting me to share in their happiness, to be part of their joyous encounter.

Hesitantly, I approached them, and Vince extended a friendly hand. "You must be Diane, Rye's friend. He's told me so much about you," he said with a genuine warmth that enveloped me like a comforting embrace.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, blushing slightly, caught off guard by his amiable demeanor. Rye couldn't help but tease me, as always, nudging me playfully.

"Oh, don't be shy, sweetie. Diane's just a bit starstruck," Rye remarked with a playful wink, his lightheartedness instantly easing the tension in the air.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Diane," Vince said with a hint of sweetness in his voice. "Rye speaks so highly of you, and I can see why. You're as charming as he described."

My cheeks reddened even more, and I chuckled nervously, appreciating the kind words despite my lingering unease. With Rye by my side and Vince's infectious warmth, I felt more at ease, like I belonged in their company.

As we all headed towards the car, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected encounter. Despite my initial hesitation and the whirlwind of emotions, I realized that sometimes, love and companionship could find us in the most unexpected places. And as I took a seat in that car, surrounded by the affectionate banter of two people so deeply in love, I couldn't help but wonder if someday, I, too, might find that special someone who could make me feel as cherished as Rye felt in Vince's arms.

"So, Diane, would you tell me who did this to my sweetie?" Vince's voice held a mix of concern and protectiveness as he inquired about Rye's injuries.

"Actually—" I began to respond, but Rye interjected with a nonchalant tone, trying to brush off the incident.

"I told you it's nothing. I'm fine, Vince," he said casually, attempting to downplay the severity of the situation.

Vince's caring nature was evident as he persisted, "Okay, I believe you. Why don't we all eat first, and then we can drop you off, Diane?"

I hesitated, caught between the desire to comfort Rye and the fear of intruding on their moment. Rye's subtle glances seemed to hint that he might hold a grudge if I insisted on joining them. Vince took his place behind the wheel, and I was about to step into the backseat when Rye tapped my shoulder, gesturing for me to stay behind.

"Hey, your drool is dripping over my boyfriend. He's taken, okay?! You better back off because trouble will come your way if you try to flirt with him," Rye teased, giving me a sassy look.

A playful smile crossed my lips as I retorted, "You're very possessive!"

"It's just that I am beautiful, and my man is my man girl," Rye quipped, making me burst into laughter, and we both climbed into the car, leaving behind any traces of tension.

As we drove, the atmosphere in the car was light and cheerful, as if the previous encounter had never happened. Rye and Vince exchanged loving glances, laughter filling the space between them. I couldn't help but feel like an intruder in their private world, yet their inclusion of me made me feel like an essential part of their dynamic.

Throughout the meal, Vince proved to be a genuine and caring person. He treated us with warmth and kindness, and I could see why Rye was so drawn to him. He had a captivating presence, one that made everyone around him feel valued and appreciated.

As the evening unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder about the intricacies of their relationship. The way they interacted—genuine, loving, and at ease—made me reflect on my own pursuit of love. A whirlwind of emotions swept over me—admiration for their connection, yearning for a love as profound as theirs, and a touch of envy for the certainty they seemed to possess.

In the quiet moments, I found myself lost in my thoughts. Rye's occasional teasing nudges brought me back to the present, but my heart was heavy with the unspoken desire to find my own love story.

Vince's kindness extended to me as well. He made sure I felt included in their conversations, like an old friend catching up with them after a long time apart. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, as it reminded me of my longing for a love that could make me feel truly seen and understood.

The drive back felt both familiar and foreign. Vince's affectionate gestures towards Rye were a testament to their genuine affection, and I couldn't help but smile at their subtle displays of love.

As the night ended, we said our goodbyes, and I found myself feeling both grateful for the experience and melancholic as I walked away. Their love was beautiful, and witnessing it left an indelible impression on my heart. It made me realize that love could manifest in many forms, and sometimes, it could find us in the most unexpected places.

Rye and I had become good friends, but ever since that incident, Tyrone never approached me again. I admit, I missed him. It was impossible for us to be friends, yet from a distance, I would often catch a glimpse of him. He was always with different girls, but one stood out—the girl named Cassandra from the tourism department.

"Diane! You look like you are about to kill someone again," Rye said, setting the food he ordered in front of me.

"Stop bothering me, Rye," I replied with irritation, still sulking in my seat.

"Whoa, I'm scared!" Rye teased further before munching on his fries. He then glanced in the direction I had been looking earlier.

"Ah, I see. You're jealous again, aren't you?"

"Jealous? What nonsense are you spouting?" I retorted, giving him a glare. "We weren't even close!"

"Sure, keep denying it!" He wouldn't believe me, the mischievous smile on his face indicating that he was up to something.

"Would you just eat your food?" I said, refusing to engage any further. Rye fell silent. My chest tightened, and I felt hurt. After all, I merely had a crush on Tyrone. But why did it feel so difficult?

I decided to bury myself in a book, trying to busy my mind. Rye continued eating his fries, and suddenly, a clearing of the throat caught my attention. I looked up to find Tyrone standing there, close to me. We hadn't been this near since that day. Hearing his voice again stirred emotions

inside me, reminding me of how much his words affected me.

"S-Sir!" I stammered in surprise when I saw Sir Alfred, Tyrone's father, approaching. Tyrone was visibly annoyed, explaining to his father that there was nothing between us. My heart raced as I saw Tyrone standing so close, but my excitement quickly faded as I realized he misunderstood everything. He thought we were together!

"Dad, please don't do this. I told you there was nothing between us," Tyrone pleaded, and my heart broke for him. Students nearby started to look at us, sensing the tension. "Hija, Diane, there's a small gathering at our house. I'm inviting you to go with my son."

"Huh?" His invitation took a moment to sink in. Rye and I exchanged puzzled glances. "B-because, um..."

I was trying to think of an excuse, but he was persistent.

"I won't take no for an answer, Dianne. My son's been a complete idiot and stupid," Sir Alfred said, giving Tyrone a stern look that I couldn't decipher. The students around us were now watching closely. "And you there, young man, try to make things work out if you don't want to lose Dianne."

As Sir Alfred lectured Tyrone, my heart was in turmoil. Tyrone quickly left without saying a word, and I couldn't help but worry about the misunderstandings that seemed to surround him. I'd never expected to find myself in this situation with Tyrone.

"Wow! You're in for some adventure. You had better make yourself look good to impress them," Rye said teasingly.

"Wait, Rye," I said, still in shock, holding onto his arm. "Is this really happening?"

"Why? Do you want me to slap you to make sure this is real?" Before I could respond, he playfully slapped me, flashing a smile.

I had so many worries. First, things were still not okay between Tyrone and me. Second, I dreaded the thought of facing Tyrone's siblings, who probably saw me as a nuisance. Third, I had nothing to wear, and fourth, as much as I tried to deny it, a part of me was excited about being with Tyrone again. I thought it was a good sign, but it clearly wasn't. Could I survive this? It felt like everything around me had stopped, and I couldn't look away as Tyrone approached with a face full of concern. I thought I might have a panic attack. Even now, at this moment, I can't deny that I still have a crush on him.