Chapter Ten

I was still reeling from the embarrassing encounter with Tyrone. It was our break time, and we were in the canteen. I tried to share what happened, but the words stumbled out incoherently as I tried to explain the jaw-dropping discovery.

"I swear, Rye, I didn't mean to be a peeping Tom. I-I didn't know it was like that... that monstrous... so extra-large!!" I blurted out, my face flushing with embarrassment.

"What on earth are you saying? I can't understand you! Just eat your food. Oh, a hotdog!" Rye said casually as he took a bite of a chicken hotdog.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?!" I said, glaring at him. Rye rolled his eyes.

"I know you've been acting strangely since earlier. Saying things like 'big' and 'extra-large.' What's going on? Oh my-- don't tell me you surrendered already!" Rye teased, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Spill the beans, girl! Who is he? When, where, how?"

"What!? I haven't gone mad yet," I retorted, trying to regain my composure, but the hotdog only seemed to mock me further. Why, of all the hotdogs, had there to be a chicken hotdog? Not that there's anything wrong with chicken hotdogs. They are brown, tender, and juicy, and I found myself swallowing hard, unable to ignore the sudden flush of heat.

"Okay, I know you're on drugs, but enlighten me, Diane. I'm not a fortune-teller. The way you describe it, you'd think it's like some mythical creature," Rye said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Worried I might steal him from you?"

"You're so impossible, Rye!" I exclaimed, feeling my face grow even hotter.

"So, why don't you spill it, darling?" Rye prodded, eating his hotdog with an exaggerated flair, which only annoyed me further.

"I saw it, Rye. Though he had a towel wrapped around him, he was talking to someone named Jun-jun. I got curious, so I peeked, and that's when I saw it... his 'performance' that earned a standing ovation while Tyrone scolded him," I recounted, my face becoming as red as a tomato.

Rye nearly choked on his food, his eyes wide with disbelief as he stared at me. "You gave in to Tyrone!"

"N-no! I mean, no!" I stammered.

"Good, I don't want you getting flirty with Tyrone, either. So, it's massive, huh? Describe it, so I can compare," Rye said with a mischievous grin.

Reluctantly, I described its length, showing with my hands how long it was.

"Oh my God! It's huge!" Rye exclaimed, laughing. "I won't be able to face Tyrone without thinking about what you just shared! Why did that happen? Did you do something?"

I paused, trying to think of an explanation, but finally settled on, "My towel just slipped. But that's impossible, right?"

Rye clapped his hands in amusement, as if he realized something. "Oh, Diane, you look stunning, girl! Seriously, why don't you flaunt it?"

I rolled my eyes at Rye. Sometimes, he withheld things from me.

"Whatever," I replied.

"Diane," someone called out to me.

"Oh, it's Jun-Jun!" Rye said cheerfully, causing me to shoot him a disapproving look and kick him under the table.

"What Jun-Jun?" Tyrone asked, walking over to sit beside me. My cheeks turned crimson, and I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze.

"You see, Tyrone, it's just that... it's big, massive, and extra-large…Ow!" I pinched Rye's thigh under the table. Annoying fellow, he was just teasing me again.

It seemed like Tyrone understood what Rye was implying. He stared at Rye as if analyzing the situation. Rye grinned mischievously at me, and I quickly diverted their attention by offering Tyrone some hotdogs.

"So, who's this person?" Tyrone asked, sounding somewhat uninterested.

"It's y—" I interjected, cutting Rye off before he could spill the beans and expose me. I handed Tyrone two hotdogs to silence him.

"Why are you here, Tyrone?" I asked, giving Rye a stern look.

"Uh, w-well, I haven't found a place to stay yet. I thought of crashing here for a bit," he said sheepishly. Alright, that would have been fine, but Rye's suggestive glances were making me uncomfortable.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. Rye offered his condo. You can stay there for now," I said, smiling at the two of them.

"WHAT!?" they both exclaimed.

"Rye, you said it!" I scolded Rye, who looked back at me with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, Ty. She said you can stay there for a while without paying," I added.

Tyrone fell silent, seemingly lost in thought.

"Thank you," he finally said to Rye, who had a somewhat surprised expression. I, on the other hand, clapped my hands in satisfaction.

"I'll get my things after my last class," Tyrone announced before leaving.

Once he was gone, Rye glared at me with a mean-spirited look. "I swear you'll regret this! You've ruined my sex life. I'll get Jun-Jun from you too!"

Did I make a mistake? I knew Rye was gay, but would Tyrone dare? Would he?

"Tyrone, catch me!" Rye called out in a flirtatious manner, and he began running in slow motion. He was wearing a floral casual dress that looked ill-fitting, and his muscles were bulging out. It was quite an unpleasant sight.

Tyrone chased after him, just having taken a shower. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist, with water dripping from his hair down his body. In short, he looked incredibly hot. Jun-Jun was there too, standing like a soldier during the flag ceremony.

"Come on, Jun-jun. Let's chase Rye," Tyrone said to Jun-Jun, who seemed to nod in response. Rye stopped running, and he was staring at Tyrone, who was now focusing his attention on his little companion. "You're caught now."

Rye smiled at Tyrone, trying to look cute. He even forgot to shave his facial hair and put on makeup.

"It's large, massive, and extra-large," Rye said, pulling down Tyrone's towel.

"Ahh! You wouldn't dare, you queer! You have Vince already!" I felt nauseated at the thought. It was obscene. But what if this were true? I couldn't bear the thought.

I had to keep an eye on them tonight. I needed a plan! Jun-Jun will be mine! Mine only!