Chapter Thirty-Four

I sat outside the ICU with a heavy heart. I couldn't bear to look at my mom; it would just make me cry even more. I love her so much and seeing her in this state breaks me.

"I managed to secure a loan of one million," Auntie Paula informed me. "But you know that's still not enough. Your uncle said he'll also try to find some money."

"Thank you, Auntie," I replied, feeling embarrassed but having no choice but to accept their help. I knew I would forever be indebted to them, and I would always be grateful for their support for me and my mom.

"But we need to transfer your mom to the States as soon as possible. The bill here will just keep increasing. It's better to spend the money there than deplete it by paying for the hospital expenses here," Auntie explained, and I could only nod. I had no words to offer in response. I was floating in a sea of problems, and my lack of sleep only added to the turmoil.