Chapter Forty-Five

For three days, my life had been normal. A sense of relief washed over me because at least Tyrone understood what I needed. Here I was, now in a restaurant where I had a blind date set up. Call me desperate, I didn't care anymore—I just yearned to move forward. That's why I decided to give this blind date thing a shot.

"...and I was like, what the hell, that is not it. That is not it!!" Despite my strong urge to stab Brian with my fork, my actions were restrained. I was absolutely bored to the core. I never imagined encountering someone like him—so excessively self-centered. Our conversation, if you could even call it that, solely revolved around him. Scratch that, it wasn't even a conversation; it was a monologue at the end. This had been going on for an hour. I was already fighting off drowsiness, but out of courtesy, I made an attempt to show interest. Unfortunately, that seemed to invigorate his speech even more.