Chapter Forty-Seven

The crowd erupted in cheers as Troy, and I entered. I was on high alert as soon as the bell rang, signaling the start of the match. The rounds were unlimited, but there were time limits - 5 minutes per round. The fight would continue until one of us surrendered or was fatally injured.

We circled each other, cautiously assessing every move. The crowd's cheers faded into the background, drowned out by my focus. All I cared about was money. As time passed, the betting grew louder, and that was exactly what I wanted. I was after the money, nothing more.

I saw him make his move. It was fast, but I managed to dodge his punch and counter with one to his face. Guilt surged through me. I watched him stagger back, wiping away the blood oozing from his split lip. His anger seemed to intensify. He shot me a glare, filled with rage.