Adventure in Armital

T-5 Days to Incident

Cacey repositioned herself in her seat. As the vehicle sped forward toward its destination, Armital, Cacey felt drowsy from the mild and comforting swaying of the bus. Although she had no memory of her infancy, her body remembered the feeling of rocking in her cradle.

The bus 103 zoomed toward Armital.

#Armital Bus Terminal

“M…s…Young…lady!” Cacey had her eyes closed. She felt as if someone was calling someone from very far away. The voice was broken, wafting with the air to her ears. She cozily reassembled herself and turned to her side on what seemed to be a nice bed.

“Hey, Miss!!” This time the voice seemed to be closer and very close by. But it was calling someone else. Her name was not Miss!

“Hey, lady!” This time the voice blasted a sonic boom into her ears. She jolted upright.

“Huh! What! Where am I?”

“Miss! Shouldn't I be at school right now?” A kind voice asked her.

Cacey looked in the direction from which the voice was coming.