Strangeness at Baker Residence: Part 2

T-5 Days to Incident

#Janis in a rush

Janis sent her son upstairs, “Go! Hurry and cover yourself with a comforter! I will bring hot tea for you.” She tried to calm down but her whole world was shaking in fear! “What’s happening to my boy? Why is he like that?”

She hurried to the kitchen, filled the kettle with water and placed it on the burner.

“Please, hurry up!” As if she were requesting for the burner to quickly make the water hot. It will take some time for the water to come to a boil.

She quickly brought out the tea bags and sugar. “Tom loves sweets when he is stressed." She also got a big cup from the overhead cupboard. “This should work!” She arranged them all on a serving tray. “Oh! And I cannot forget the milk!” She got a glass jar of powdered milk.

“Hmm! Here is the milk, the sugar pot, cups and saucers, spoons…and..,” She looked at the kettle on the stove. “The water is there…boiling…!”