Damage Control

The Day of the Incident

#Ogologos High

Eliza stepped up. As a mother, she knew exactly how that woman was feeling. She sat by Janis and hugged her.

“Mrs. Baker, do you embroider your son’s shirt with his initials, T.B.?” It was the moment of truth.

Janis suddenly came back to reality. “Ye…s, I do it myself!” The fear that was not in her eyes appeared now. She looked like a lost child.

“Ah! You have a great son. He is an amazing boy who stands for the weak. You should be proud of him. You know what? Your son helped my daughter, Cacey, a lot and gave her courage. He is a great friend to her.”

Janis seemed to have calmed with the words, "Yes, yes! He is a kind child, my Tom. He takes all the pain in silence. He is such a good boy! But did he have a friend?”