Babil Kingdom's Setting Sun

#The Throne Room, King’s Palace, Borsippa

The evil wazir Hormuzd arrived in the throne room with this troop of assassins.

“Long live our dear King Assoros.” Wazir said, and then his entourage broke into laughter. “So, you have finally fallen! Our Mighty King Assoros!” He looked at the dead body of Anos and smirked. “Oh! Even our future king has fallen too? What a sad day for the kingdom of Babil.”

Hormuzd looked at the throne with greedy, glittering eyes. “You know Assoros! You could still save what remains of your family. I can guarantee that! The greatest king of Azra, Ashunipal, has promised me the throne if I can overthrow the present king. It took me a long time to position the right people in all the right places.” He smiled again.

“I have always been telling you to make an alliance with Azra. They needed our magic stone mines. Their defense strategy greatly depends on mana stones; you know that very well. Yet, you have been stubborn like a mule.”