understanding the situation

As if I am not from this reality

My thought process got interrupted when I saw others I was shocked at what was happening.

As I saw what was happening, there were two types of blood everywhere blue and red.

It was a blood bath a lot of people were dead and a lot were running for their lives.

only some were fighting in the battlefield although the goblins were way weaker than them there just were to much of them for them to handle.

I saw the muscle guy named Michael leading a small group and he saw me with some suprise in his eyes he was stupified by me being in a golden light of barrier. I heard a notification

{Ding you have got the agnolagement of Micheal }

{You have copied the skill bearsstrength{B }}

{Effect: will INCREASE strength by 50percent for 10 second cool down time 10 minutes can stack time by 6times(5 mana per use)}

Well I got something but why didn't it show the mana usage in system panel could it be related to my level or I can't just see it.

I remembered something important at that time .I never opened the book that I got in system storage. I have time so I should check it.

I opened the system panel and

I clicked on system storage and the book option. Having thaught what it would have written, it could be al letter from the girl or a completely different thing,

{Would you like to read the first page of the book}

He looked at it with confusion,Only the first page ? this book is either important or deadly seeing it is only showing the first page. Should I be careful?

He clicked yes reluctantly.

Suddenly his mind was flooded with information.

The information

This world is a world that is the center of all world.It was created before time and space existed. The first world also known as the prime world.

And the one who rules it is the system.

An entity not understood by even gods as to how it was created.

The system created beings that would rule the control the Omniverse in his place if the need arises.he gave them athurty to control and maintain the places, but the system didn't know one thing, that was about beings that were supposed rule the Omniverse had emotions, the emotions the system gave them so that they would rule tge place better had back fired,. They all began to feel bored of this, since the system also gave them immortality no matter what they did they will eventually get board of it .

The only thing that could make them feel happ was compiting against eachother but the beings computing were getting too into it.

They started to fight with each,.

They had The have the ability to create more lower beings. So they used it and made their lower beings kill others lower beings.

This high beings had emotions and were bored of there exitinence they created there own army according to the authority of the person and made kingdoms from it .

The high beings started to get bored of it aswell so they started to conquer eachothers places.

The high beings thaught maybe ruling over other high beings will make them happier.

They wanted more athurty all for the sake of power and athurty which gave them pleasure.

They started to attack eachother instead of their kingdoms and it created a war that could destroy the whole Omniverse,.

Thankfully the system intervention had caused them to be stop fighting eachother follishly .

the system gave an idea instead of fighting eachother foolishly for power you can create an game instead in it will be lower beings you will choose your person and that person must accept to be on your side and make fight for you .

The being that has the lower being won fastest win , will also win and will gain the authority that has been betted .

and the per son that doesn't have a being sopporting him and still. Won will have your authority that you betted.

And has the opportunity to beacom a higher being.

it will take away your boredom and it will not destroy the world.

The high beings aggread to it unconditionally because they were afraid of the system it was there only fear .

They started the game and created some rules.

High beings cannot interfere in the game except for giving power or some clues.mid ranked beings can interact withe players and low ranked beings can take control of the accepted player for a short period of time.

They will all have to pay coins for all of it.

The game started and this is the game number 99 till now the high beings (that have won are jesus,Zeus,shiva,satan are the the people that have won the most there with all of them winning at least 5 games.

Other god's have won aslwell (I don't know there names).

But not as much as them some haven't even won and previously played player can reparticipat for a higher reward or a chance to becoming a new mid or low ranked being

(The high beings will be called god's from now on)

There are many prevesly played player but with some restrictions they will play only after 3 minutes are done in the first round .

The rounds that are there are.....

Did it cut of thaught kuro

Well the replaying player should be desimating the goblins.

But then again with only one page and I had gained the information about god rank there status and wo created them what Wii the next page have.

And there should be more than one ground that has players and the book didn't specify who the players are it could be any alien or living being.

The book also said something like being a player to god.

And also a reward at the end .In an indirect way by saying players replayed it for better rewards like being a god.

It means there is a reward just not overpowered.

I wonder was the girl also a god.

I was wondering when an announcement came 10 minutes have passed the goblins have level up to 3

When I heard it I was shocked only some people who I can see were inside the protective barrier the human players were already struggling and barely trying to adapt when this came and players were in a more dangerous situation although alot had levels up at last one the goblins stats had again increased


Level 3





Mana:0(those who didn't have mana to begin with can survive without it?)

Damn they are dead thought kuro not feeling sympathy for them for his reasons although he never talked with anyone after his parents died but he always looked attentively to others action and speaking way .

When he heard about god said by someone he thaught it was just a lunatic.but when he said devils were bad and humans were good he actually thaught this guy was in a worse situation than him.

Cause every single bad thing about devil he said bad were all about human. Like a devil is arrogant he thinks everyone is beneath him.

Humans think that way as well they think they can kill anything that is not a human and still be considered good .

devil will burn earth, humans have caused global warming.

Devil has emotion of seven deadly sins which all human even accept they have.

humans are so

humans have will always want more even though they already have so much , and to gain it they will even kil eachother for it, even in a developed time humans killed eachother just for some oil,and land, humans have no mercy even against eachother, always trying to show they are better by undermining others.

Humans destroy so many natural resources just for their energy.

Devil is jealous of god? Who is that idiot who said it.humans have always wanted the power of god and even created deadly weapons that can destroy there own kind just because they like it.

In fact most of the weapon right now that human use are made to kill humans.

And the humans are even willing to capture another planet because they have almost token out alot of there own planets nature.

To kuro humans have never been the good ones we are good ones in our story not others story.

killing a human is bad and us because we are manipulated into thinking our only ally is human and our enemy is also no one else but an human.

The only reason we hate devil is because he does bad things to us because he likes our meat.

but we never dislike our father for slaving and eating an unlucky animal that was born here.

That is human mindset we are good and others a bad.