kingdom of raiser

I was surprised by the seemed like a whole new world it was like a middle Eastern kingdom.surrounded by huge 15 m walls.

The surrounding greenery as if like it was mother nature was like a new planet as far as I could see except for the Kingdom it was just green forest and greenery. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said this place Is a s big as earth because it just kept on going.

This is the starting kingdom of raiser my homeland. This kingdom is not ruled by players but the inhabitants of this world. This kingdom was there even before you players came . This is same as your world one of the world that is not the main world.

Kuro:So there are different species and world in this place, it seems my guess was right.

since this place Is not ruled by players,this place Is the perfect ground to raise newer players without other people's interference in there way. But that would be to ideal ,the human players must have already inflitrated the high ranks and are already in some amount of power or already have full control over it.

This will be the place you all will be spending your time In the 3rd floor.

You all will be staying here for a month here after that you will either stay here or go to 4th round .

I had thaught she was one of the players from earth but it seems I was wrong. She was the inhabitant of this place. That would also make sense on why she is the one guiding us . instead of earthlings . The humans will only want there advantage not the enemys if they get an disadvantage they will make sure the other person also gets it, so they must have agreed on her because it is disadvantages to both of them. OR a fair deal should I say.

Since she also has a level it means this place Is also overseed by the system.and there must still be monsters or other species in here.

I don't think I will be able to trust people so fast. Even with Emily I still don't trust her completely.i was able to see if I could manipulate her and it was kind of successful.but it isn't enough, (he has some real trust issues).

Well you will all be living here you can not open personal space in this kingdom. Only on other servers can you open it once a day.

How big is this place I asked her out of curiosity.

Hum about 10 million km square.she said with nonchalant.

It is bigger than USA but still not bigger than other big countries like India,china, Russia etc.

But for a kingdom it is way to big ,kingdomes are way smaller than this, kingdom are not even bigger than some countrys states .but this thing is bigger than alot of big countries.

I had thaught it was going to be another small place but it was surprisingly big.

Get ready all of you will all be staying in this place for a long time .your first week stay will be managed by us after that you will have to live on your own.

She took us to the gates. It was 10m tall.and 20 m wide. How will we even fit there are almost millions of us .

Suddenly a white light shown to all of us .and I was transported to a 10 by 10 room with a king sized bed the floor carpeted red the walls fully white there was a balcony.there was a washroom a living room and some home furniture.

I must be getting some extra better room because I don't think that that they can afford this much for all of us even giving this to a 1percent will give their budget tight.

There was a speaker and I heard a voice, everyone will be living here for a week most people will get 5 by 5 room while some people will get an extra room or larger space.

After 1 week we will charge 50c per month for normal place and different charges for can move to a new place by buying a new home . You can also do jobs if you want there are thousands of guilds or workplaces, if you want new furniture or clothes there are shops always close to you.

You will all be given a job offers for a month in your system tabs. If you don't want to go there careful after a month job offers will decrease significantly.

So ,they want to make us used to the new lifestyle as soon as possible. They must want to make them have a good life so that they don't suffer from the start. Only some people will move from this place if they do this.

but it is quite beneficial for all of us they get money and customers and we get our needs supplied and a new lifestyle.

I looked outside I only saw some people, it seems we the strong people were in a different place than the week, and I only saw man meaning that they must have been separated.

I saw so many unfamiliar faces.that were not with us it seems they are the people that already inhabited this place, or the player before we came.

[Come to this location] it seems she is in a Hurry. Since I still haven't died yet so I still have my all 3 lives.but I should be careful just in case .

I walked outside of my apartment I went downstairs. And I meet the receptionist which was a man.

Hi, you must be one of the new players,I am John your recapnanist. I am your apartment owner, I hope you have a fine life have around 19 players that are in this mansion.

And others outside this mansion.

The gender role of recapnanist has been placed according to your gender so that people won't get awkward.

So you are John , my name is black. nice to meet you I hope that you don't get in my way when I am doing something.

yes I wouldn't get in your way said with a laugh.

He must have had similar experience before. I am going outside,so remember my name and my eyes so the next time I come you won't mistake me for someone else.

I wouldn't forget someone with such an eye and name.i have never seen someone so unique.

Okey then tell others that i am going for some time.

It will be my pleasure.

He is quite a humble guy for such a big guy.

I opened maps and followed the directions I had marked. I went to showed me 100 by 100 m so I was able to find it quickly it took me more than 1 and half hour just by walking. It was 1:35pm at this time.

I finally found the location it was in some backwater alley. I kept on going with my guard up . Then I saw.someone with a big cover In her body she started to run towards me . I just stood there as.i realised who she was .

She came towards me and gave me a big hug.

It was Emily