gaining SSS ranked SKILLS

COPY condition

1.get hit by 100 Times consicativly in full power.

2.kill him

3.make him serve you as his master.

I looked thaughtfull {Looks like the killing one is the most easiest here}.

{Getting hit by him consicativly 100 times at full power is impossible I will just die or his berserk skill will run out of time.}

{Making him serve me as his master will only anger him and make him more likely to kill me ,}

{ So the greatest choice here is to kill him right now}

I looked at him coldly in his eyes as if wanting his life in my hands.

{ My skills time is already over and I have to wait another 5 days for it to activate, most players stay here for more than 10 days, while only some being able to pass on 1 day,.

but this guy is already planning on killing me in 3 fu*king minutes.}

Let's get started shall we I said as I activated the impossible killer title.

I speedly walked right up to his face and punched him so hard he was sent Flying 10 meters away.


[The MC's str is 150 but the enemy's defence is 60 so it is decreasing its hp damage]

I appeared right above him and i started to punch the shit out of him.

Bang, bang , bang,bang,bang.

After some blows I got a notification.

(Copy condition has been met)

You have gained the skill (SSS rank ) berserk:

Allows the user to multiply its stats by 5 times.

Which lasts for 1 minute, and cooldown is 5 days , mana used per minute 6 ,time can be stacked by 5.

(Ding exp is being stored ,after you change your class you will be given this stored exp)

[Ding , the second round for class change is being applied]

I looked at the light that was covering me as I was transported to a white room again but with a different person in sight.

A purple cloak with golden lined on it , a purple long pointy hat , a huge white beard, and a wooden cane.

Are you my examiner old guy I said as I looked at his stats.

Magic master









(SSS RANK ) elemental control: Allows the user to control any element, multiplys magic attack by 5 times and when defending decreases magic attack by 50 percent.

I looked at the skill shocked to see it here , {isn't it the same skill as Emily ,wait if he has the skill that Emily has than the previous skill that I gained from killing the Montour may also be with someone,}

{Does that mean that people could have the same RANK skill with the Same effects?}

{If it is true than could you combine skills aswell like having two people use the same attack skills to multiply its effectiveness or something, or even someone gaining both of the skills and combining it . Since I have the ability to copy skills someone must have combining skills aswell.}

{I will need to be more cautious from now on}

Yes, I will be your examiner for your magic test on this round you will use your skills to defeat me.

Seeing how you immediately came from the strength test you must not have a strength based skills.

I hope that you have a mana based skills.

For you to learn from me.

{Wait shouldn't I also copy his skills as well , I mean in the future I could gain a combining skill that could combine my skills, it could be useful at that time.}

I will learn a Mana based skill from you old man.{I his name magic master or is it his pet name,?}

Oh could it be that you have a mana based skill?

Yes kinda I said as I activated. The title the impossible killer.

{So this guy is also one of the higher beings}

MC's stats after activating skill for those who want a visual of his strength.

Kuro shi


Titles:the lone hunter isn't alone, the impossible killer.

Str:50(150 with the title)





Mana:50(150)(higher than the old man skull emoji)

I first want to see your skill old man can you show it to me I said with a glint of curiosity.

Okey kid and I am magic master not an old man and I will be living more than you in this lifetime kid .

I am waiting for as I asked him to attack me.

He activated his skills.

100 arrows were created around a 10 meter radius ( the MC is 20 meters away), .

The arrows as if a flaming lava was condensed into a shape that emanated a magictic look like a flaming bird.

Magic arrows( his skills allows him to control any element so he can create multiple types of mana attacks as he likes, but since they are not real skills there attack will be only 1/5 of it but with the skills special effect multiplyes attack by 5 times it is as a normal skill of it's rank)

DESCRIPTION: magic arrows 5 mana for 50 arrows with all of them having 50 attack, and 50 speed and 10 duribility.

I don't even need to use the title for this an average tennis player can react to a ball with 2 times there speed. And I a person that has mastered every skills in fighting and has faster reflex than a top notch tennis or bassball players, this Is like dodging feathers that are thrown at me from a distance, it will never hit .

Well show your skill will you, or are you planning on staying there for the rest of your life.

Did you get a seizure from seeing so many arrows this isn't even 10 percent of my skill.

Oh no, i don't plan on staying here I said as I appeared right Infront of this old man.

He was shocked with the speed at which I came.

I punched him right in his stomach and he was sent flying.


He was gushing out pools of blood he immediately aimed all the arrows at me and launched it to me but they were just to slow.

I was long gone before they even reached the place.

I ran after the old man but I saw faster looking arrow coming at me as if it was double the speed but I didn't mind it , even having a 1 deference in speed is deadly having 50 speed deference is overkill.

I just ran past all of them and kicked in the stomach of the old man who was getting up and starting to make more arrows.

He was again sent Flying away 15 meters.


He was looking like he was on the brink of death at that time.


I immediately came right to his face and stepped on his stomach at full force.

-230 fatel damage

Say hi to that minatour after I kill you aswell.

I said as I stepped on him again at that place.

The old guy was looking at this with disbelief in his eyes, like he was seeing actual death itself on me.his eyes full of fear of what just happened in just a few seconds.

-345 critical damage.

[Ding copy condition has been met for skill

(SSS rank ) elemental control)]

[Ding exp is being stored, after class change you will gain all the exp back ]

{They may still be alive at another place , since the minatour said something like this isn't there original body ,the original body has More strength in it. OR they may have extra life like everyone.}

But then again stepping on them to death did feel good.

{Last trial is being placed}

Well the last enemy is always the strongest in novels and games. So this may be stronger and smarter than those idiots.