{wait the dragon was a woman, and why did she transform!?}

She looked at me with curiosity as she said Human can I know your name?

You want to know my name? I looked at her with confusion as to why she wants it.

It is black death, I gave her my newly made code name.

What? The red haired beauty was stupified by my response.

Can't you at least tell me your real name? Why are you giving me your code name?.

..... I just meet you. I looked at her with an duh face.

Oh I forgot sorry for my response like that,

My name is akai ryuu then.

... Doesn't it mean red dragon in Japanese?. I said.

She looked proud as she said well you didn't tell me your name and only gave me a code name so why should I give you my real name.

I don't have time for chitchat with a dumb dragon, tell me what are you going to give me? I looked at her while holding my hand like I was asking something.

She looked at me with a small smile as she began descending through the upper stairs.

As she reached me and put her hands on top of mine.

She looked at me with a defeated smile as she said.

The reward is me young boy.

I looked at her with an annoying .

I don't have time for your stupidness, I am going I said as I was about to return.

Wait she said while she pulled my hand.

I used my strength as I went closer to the door.

Please wait for a second and listen to me eehhh.

she said as she used her full strength to stop me.

I stopped right there not because I wanted to but because I couldn't move and my arms felt like they were about to ripped apart.

I looked behind me to the red haired beauty trying her best to stop me.

Okay okay I will listen now will you stop. It is hurting my arms.

She immediately left her grip as soon as she heard me say I will stay.

She was happy that I stoped and listened to him.

Ooh thanks for listening, I will keep it fast so please listen carefully okay.

Well what I mean by the reward being me is that I will be your contracter.

Contracter? I looked at her confused as my curiosity also raised,as I wanted to learn about the contract system of this world.

Yes you should be greatfull that I am giving this contract to you. I was once one of the strongest dragons in my ages.

I looked at her with an unamused look.

Should I ?

What is up with your face one of the strongest dragon is talking to you about giving you a contract.

Who is going to believe one of the strongest dragons is level 25 and is on a dungeon that is for beginners.

Well let's not talk about it .she said while playing it off.

{What is up with her expression although it looks normal it looks to me like she is hiding something.}

{Could she be trapped here or something}

Well can you show me the contract.i said while looking at her.

She was happy with his answer as she began to form a contract from the air.

I looked at the item.

Contract ( EX RANK)

Description:an item that is made to make contracts for people when the contract is signed if either party breaks the rules that party will face consciquinces or death.

After forming the contract the party must do the work that is contracted.


{Could she actually be telling the truth about the fact that she is one of the strongest dragons}

{If I remember correctly an Ex rank item is basically a god }.

{Although G rank are like higher gods but ex rank is definitely a god rank just lower.}

Here read it she said as she began showing me the contract.


The contractor (the MC) will be able to have the red dragons power and skill to a certain extent once a year, and the user can call the dragon once a year.

The user must give the dragon freedom and must follow her every command.

I looked at this with an dumb face.

{What is up with this contract this is basically slavery with some extra steps.}

{Only a dumbass will sign this kind of contract}

On an different place on top of a mountain a boy was there as he suddenly sneezed .


He looked confused as he said .

is someone remembering me ?.

What are you getting distracted from a womans voice came in his head,

Bring more mana crystals this isn't enough,

He looked surprised as he said yes he Bagan running.

Now back to the mc

Are you kidding me? this contract is basically slavery and even getting the power of you only once a year thats a long cooldown for something that isn't even that strong.

What? She looked confused and angry.

Shouldn't you be happy that you got an contract and the fact that you got a year cooldown is also lucky, most dragons don't even give a decade.

Some dragons even give a cooldown of a century .

I am being generous to you and only giving you 1 year of cooldown.she looked at me with anger.

I looked at her before saying.

Then give this generosity to someone else I don't want to be a slave of someone and have my free will stolen.

{Suddenly my mind felt like it remembered something }

{Have I said this line before? I don't remember it but it felt like I have said it a lot of time }

As I began to leave, she immediately grabbed my hands.

WHAT!!! I Iooked at her with an angry eye cause she is getting in my way to leave and I don't like it.

Eehhh, she was surprised by it and she immediately falled back on her butt .

Don't get in my way. I warned her with an calm but threatening voice.with my eyes glowing red.

I am sorry she immediately apologized.

I began to leave to the door as I felt my legs getting grabbed,.

{Are you kidding me ?}

Hugh I sighed as I looked at the scared girl hanging on my leg.

I couldn't believe this girls persistent,

But if she thinks I will sign such a contract then she is wrong.

But as I was about to speak she suddenly spoke.

We can negotiate it , she said in a hurry.

I was surprised by her willingness to sign a contract that was already so compromised according to her.

But the main reason I didn't say no immediately is because of something I saw

A tear .

The proud red dragon that was supposed to be high and mighty.

Was grabbing my leg and begging and crying to me.

Can you stop this nonsense. I said to her but in a less threatening way.

If the slave part is gone than I will reconsider your contract.

As soon as she heard it she was happy as she took out the contract and she began to make some changes.

Here I changed the slave part.

The user must follow every command of her changed to

The user must not harm her unless it's for self defense or you have consent for it.

Hum now this is way better than before.

AND also make the calling cooldown to zero.

What? that is way too much do you know how much free will I will lose because of that?.

I want to level up quietly and I want to gain backy strength back if I let you call me every day than I will not be able to level up at all.


You can change the giving power and skill to none I don't want your powers.

I want you.

What, she was surprised by his words.

You want me? Like for what just so you know that you cannot hurt me so you cannot do anything that might be hurtful to me.

And that includes taking my first time as well.

Unless you have my consent you cannot do anything to me.

I looked at her weirded out by it.

I don't want you to sleep with me I want to have you as a partner to fight by my side on a battle.

Oh haha, she awkwardly laughed.

But I cannot give you unlimited power over calling me , the most I can give is once a month for a day.

{Okay better than nothing,}

Can I talk to you wherever you are . I asked her to make sure of something.

Yes you can as long as I accept it you can talk to me any time.

Well then update another rule, you can come to me and fight for me without me using the once a month call if you give consent for it.

I said.

Well okay than.she said while not understanding as what just happened,

Should she be happy that she is getting a contract or be sad that so many things were changed.

After the contract was remade.

I carefully checked it just to be sure that there isn't loopholes in it and made sure to change the loopholes..

After the contract was made.

She told me to put my finger print and DNA on it.

I took out a hair and put it on it and put my fingerprint on it .

After all that was done,

Suddenly we began shining bright with the contract.

[Ding you have formed a contract with the red dragon]

[Ding you have freedom the red dragon from this dungeons seal]

[Ding you have gotten an title]

As I looked at her she was surprised by the changes on her body.

[Ding you have been freed from this dungeons seal.]

[Ding some of your powers have returned your stats have been doubled]

[Ding your skills power have been increased due to unknown power]

She looked at me with confusion as to why her stats doubled and her skills increased.

I could also see her status change and I was also surprised by it.

I looked at her as she transformed into a dragon and she touched the door.

She slowly pushed the door as the door started to open.

I was surprised, that wasn't the place where I came from.

It was the outside world, the Greenery I had not seen.

She Bagan to walk towards it slowly as she began to ran .

She raned and raned as she screamed