4. Energy Refill?

Land Of Rivers, Hidden Valleys Village...




A huge crack opened in the center of the village, and the figures of Yuu and the others came out of it.




"Yuu-sama is back!"


"The leader surely trampled on Konoha's pride this time!"


A lot of cheers were heard as a crowd gathered in the village square to welcome Yuu and the others.


"Thank you everyone~" Yuu had a gentle smile on his face as he greeted all of the people present here. He didn't have the aura of a superior at all.


"Everyone! Let's have a meeting later to discuss our next plan and the further development of the land of Rivers" Yuu clapped his hands and announced with a smile causing everyone to give a spirited answer.


"Yes!" A chorus of shouts echoed.


"Also bring these Menos back to the factory" Yuu pointed to the Gillians who were standing still with a dumb look on their faces.


"It is fine to take them out to show off in front of others but don't let them be out on the road lest they scare the children" Yuu said nonchalantly as he waved his hands at the Gillians.


Following his words, several members of the Uzumaki clan stepped forward to seal the Gillian into sealing scrolls...




"This is the Land of Rivers" Izumi was stunned as she gazed at the unfamiliar place in front of her. Two years ago Izumi had been to this place and at that time the place was a representation of poverty and decadence.


But what about now? Cleaner streets, big houses, people wearing neat clothes with happy smiles on their faces. Is this still the same Land of Rivers from her memories, where is the poverty, where is the decadence?


Snapping out of her reverie, Izumi couldn't help but stare at her Yuu-chan, she felt her impression of him was vastly different from reality. Izumi didn't know what to think, is this still the same Yuu-chan from her memories?


She knew all of the positive changes in this land could be associated with her seemingly not-so-innocent younger brother, she didn't know how or why he did it.

Two relieved shouts snapped Izumi out her thoughts.






The crowd parted as two beautiful women waved at them while shouting.


"Mother!" x2


Both Sasuke and Izumi's eyes lit up in happiness and relief as they ran over to the two women.


Yuu didn't intrude in the reunion of the mothers and their children instead he switched his gaze towards Obito who was as usual fawning over Rin. After shaking his head in amusement he walked towards the building in the central part of the village...




"Yuu-sama" The door to his office was pushed open and a red-haired woman wearing a professional suit greeted him and said softly in a respectful tone.


"Thank you for your hard work Yuu-sama, do you wish to replenish your energy?" The woman asked in a respectful tone while her eyes were sparkling with emotion.


The woman was Kana Uzumaki whom Yuu rescued from the Land of Grass, she also had a daughter who was called Karin. luckily Yuu was able to rescue her from that hell hole, which made Kana eternally grateful to Yuu.


As for her words to help him restore his energy, actually, he didn't need it but Kana was very enthusiastic about the matter of helping him and he didn't wish to make her feel bad.


Gazing at Kana who was unbuttoning the buttons of her shirt, Yuu gulped a little, but today he really had something important to do, how regrettable.


"*Cough*, I really have something to do now, I'll come to see you later" Yuu said to Kana in a lowered voice.


Kana who heard his voice nodded sensibly like a good secretary and excused herself leaving Yuu alone in the room.




Letting out a sigh of relief Yuu slumped onto the sofa, he tapped his finger in the air and a light screen materialized in front of his vision.


Yuu stared at the digital screen in front of him with admiration, no matter how many times he saw it he still felt admiration for this seemingly ordinary digital screen.

Shouldn't one admire his Golden Finger?


It was Yuu's way of satisfying the ego of the system, who knew if the system had any sentience? It is better to be careful.


Yuu's Golden Finger is a Dimensional Chat Group that facilitates the dimensional travel between group members' worlds. There are not many members in this group, including him the leader, there are only three.


There is a time difference between the members world with Yuu's being the fastest.




[Group leader has ended the live stream, Stream lasted for 1 hour, Audience: 2, You get 120 points]


Group Leader: How was it? My performance was Oscar worthy right?


Black-bellied Utako: Hmm~ I'll give you ten points~


Group Leader: Full marks?


Black-bellied Utako: Full marks are 100~


Group Leader: Damn it! It's not that bad, isn't it?


Black-bellied Utako: If it weren't for your face, you wouldn't even get 10 points~ You are only worth 10 points because of your appearance do you understand~


Group Leader: Woman! you are going too far!


Black-bellied Utako: 5 points~


Group Leader: Arguing with someone like you is beneath me, so I will be benevolent and let you off this time~ A-san how was it?


Hairspray Man: Not bad~


Although the performance has many minor flaws, the other party is ultimately not him, so it's impossible to be like him.


Because there can only be one Sosuke Aizen!


Thus Aizen didn't bother to point out these minor details.


Group Leader: That's it! A-san is the only one who understands me, as for that uncultured woman Ptui!


Black-bellied Utako: Heh~ Now even little perverts dare to mock others ~


Group Leader: Don't slander others baselessly!


Black-bellied Utako: Stop pretending you little pervert ~ Did you really think I don't understand what that woman meant by replenishing energy~ You really are a pervert, targeting mothers and wives


Group Leader: You are performing moral kidnapping, you are saying just because someone is a mother they don't deserve love!



Black-bellied Utako: Wow! I really can't compete with you on the matter of thick skin and shamelessness.....



Group Leader: Recently there has been a lack of materials to print in the printing factory, Please help~ Shares and dividends are waiting for you!


Black-bellied Utako: Who gives a damn about your dividends! I can't even use the money you sent me! You shameless thief! You even cheated me out of my hard-earned manuscript fee!


Group Leader: Calm down~ calm down~. I have understood. I Uchiha Yuu, can be what I am today thanks to everyone's hard work and blessings, I will forever be grateful for all of your efforts!


Black-bellied Utako: ?


Hairspray Man: Well said, Yuu-san. Please stop talking, I am convinced


He, Sosuke Aizen has lived for more than a thousand years but he has never seen such a shameless person...



Excluding his negative personality traits, what Yuu did for the Land of Rivers is commendable. He rebuilt the entire Land of Rivers from scratch and established a complete industry and a chain of production.


But just because there is a lack of labor in the factory you borrow some Menos Grande from him to fill that vacancy? And in return, he offered Shinobi World's currency which was useless to him.


Wow! Just wow, the group leader's skin should be tougher than an Arrancar's Hierro right?


Group Leader: *Cough* You all misunderstood me! The Land of Rivers has just begun its rebuilding processes there is still a lot of work left to be done. You have to believe in me! Today's payment is tomorrow's harvest! I Uchiha Yuu am by no means ungrateful! If you don't believe me, I can swear in the name of the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara!....


Read 16 chapters ahead on my Pa***on 


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