9. Madara-san , You Don't Want To....

Hidden Valleys Village

Kage Office


Sitting in the main seat Yuu addressed the major representatives of the village with a smile on his face and asked in a gentle tone

" Since we have addressed the major concern regarding the resettlement of the Uchiha clan, is there anything else that anyone would like to add? "

" Yuu-sama, I have a question " Gongsuke Uzumaki an elder of the Uzumaki clan said in a respectful tone.

" Go on " Yuu said in a calm tone.

" Are we really going to publish this in the newspaper? " Gongsuke asked in an unsure tone while his hand which was holding the newspaper was trembling a little.

"It's a little too immoral" He said in a complicated tone as he distributed the copy of the newspaper in his hands to others.

Everyone's lips twitched a little when they saw the title, ' Wife of God of Shinobi has affair with Elder ', 'What were they doing alone in the house when her husband was in the office? '. Seeing articles like this, they understood the plight of Gongsuke and they turned their gazes to Yuu who looked a little unnatural.


Yuu coughed a little to ease the embarrassment " It's just a flashy title, and there is a warning that if you feel the people talked about in this article resemble someone then it's just your imagination " Yuu said in a perfunctory tone with a straight face.

Everyone present was silent but in their minds, they couldn't help but admire the leader, if they said it like that the other party couldn't even accuse themselves of Slander, but they also understood Gongsuke's concern after reading it.

Kage of Jonoha, The 'Pole dancer' Harutobi Siruzen was rumoured to have been betrayed by his wife Harutobi Biwako. It is said that while Siruzen was in the office his friend and teammate and one of the elders of Jonoha Dimura Shanzo came to visit his house multiple times. But during the 9-horned beast's rampage, Biwako was murdered by an assailant. It was believed by many that there was something sinister about Biwako's death but who would dare to bring this matter up to the current 'God of Shinobi' Harutobi Siruzen? It was rumoured that Siruzen locked Elder Shanzo in a room and showed him why he was known as the 'Pole dancer'.

Wow! just wow

That was the thought running through everyone's mind. They would be fools if they didn't what Jonoha was and who The 'Pole dancer' was...


" Is there anything else ? " Yuu asked with a straight face.

Everyone shook their heads with respectful expressions on their face, while pride filled their hearts.

'This is their leader !'

" Since nobody had anything to add then we can consider the meeting finished" Yuu said with a smile prompting everyone to nod their heads.

After a while everyone left Yuu was the only one left in the office as he stared at the setting sun in the distance through the window...


When Yuu returned home, he saw Izumi sitting on the sofa with a complicated expression on her face.

"What's the matter? Are you still thinking of the most handsome Uchiha? " Yuu said in a teasing tone.

" No way! Who cares about that jerk " Izumi rolled her eyes at him exasperatedly.

" I was just thinking about what to do in the future. It seems there is no need for shinobi in the land of Rivers " Izumi said in a defeated tone.

" It's not that the land of Rivers doesn't need shinobi, but is just that we don't need shinobi who only know how to kill. We need shinobi who would be able to irrigate the fields with their water release, and build roads and houses with their earth release, harvest crops or cut weeds with their wind release" Yuu said in a soothing tone as he patted Izumi's head.

" But I only know fire style..." Izumi said in a mosquito-like tone but Yuu heard her clearly and he just chuckled a little.

" Then why don't I arrange a job for you in the factory, your hands are so beautiful it's a pity for them to not screw screws " Yuu said sincerely while holding Izumi's hands.

" I have a feeling that you are mocking me " Izumi said while frowning.

" How so! With the relationship between us, how could I bear to make fun of you! " Yuu said Righteously while looking at Izumi with a dramatic expression.

Izumi just rolled her eyes at him. Izumi suddenly narrowed her eyes at him and asked in a questioning tone " What is your relationship with that woman Kana, why does she have a key to your house? "

" A pure working relationship ~, I'm going to take a nap, when Miyuki-chan comes back call me " Yuu ruffled Izumi's hair before walking to his room.

" That's 'mom' for you! " Izumi growled at him through her gritted teeth while her eyebrows were twitching with irritation.

" Hai~ Hai~ " Yuu said noncommittally while walking away...


Yuu opened his door and entered his room. After turning back to his room he noticed a figure sitting in his bed in a nurse outfit. 

Seeing Yuu's surprised look Kana got up with a smile and moved towards Yuu with a seductive smile on her face while swaying her hips.

She walked in front of Yuu and lightly stroked her hands through her clothes and when her hands reached her blouse she unbuttoned two buttons up top drawing Yuu's eyes to the beautiful valley hidden between her clothes. Kana smiled a little as she leaned toward Yuu's ears and whispered in a seductive and needy tone. 

"Yuu-sama It's time for you to replenish your energy~" 


Yuu was lying on Kana's lap as she held him to her bosom. He was sucking on her breast while she held him with one hand while using the other to stroke his length slowly. She was gazing at him with a doting look while constantly moving her hands at a moderate pace.

She would sometimes slow down and just tease the top of his head with her index and thumb, slightly stroking his frenulum. She could feel Yuu's member twitching in her hand and it only intensified her desire to pleasure him...


"Anghhh~" Kana let out an involuntary moan as she felt a slight sting on her breast. 

Kana ran her hand through his hair as she held him tightly against her bosom.

"Yuu-sama~ I'm not going anywhere ~ you don't have to be impatient" Kana said in a slightly chiding tone as she teased his glans.


Yuu let go of her breast with a wet pop and the area around her nipple was a little red with teeth marks. He gave it a small lick as if he were nursing the wound and after a few seconds, the redness started fading due to her physique.

He approached her nipple and tugged on it with his teeth lightly before letting go causing Kana to clutch his hair tightly and let out a breathless moan.


Yuu gazed at Kana's lustful face and he leaned toward her lips to kiss her. And went his lips came into contact with Kana she started cooperating with him as both of them started sucking on each other's lips with fervour.

After a few moments he prodded her lips with his tongue and he gained access to her mouth easily and was met with Kana's eager tongue as she coiled her tongue with his as they started sucking on each other's tongue while their spit flowed between them. It was a messy and lewd kiss causing wet sounds to echo in the room.

Kana felt lightheaded but she never stopped stroking Yuu's length and when she felt his member twitching she frantically increased her motion until she felt a hot sticky sensation in her palms. Although she knew Yuu had climaxed but from his still erect member, she knew it was far from over...


" Yuu-chan why did you take so long " Izumi gazed at Yuu questioningly as she gazed at his refreshed face which didn't seem like someone who had slept.

" In the room, sleeping..." Yuu replied vaguely while sitting at the table. He ignored Izumi's suspicious gaze and started eating his food.

"Impossible! I called your name a lot and you still didn't reply! " Izumi glared at him while puffing up her cheeks in dissatisfaction. Yuu-chan was lying to her and he was not as cute as before.

" I slept like a log .." Yuu said while chewing on some chicken and feeling a little amused at Izumi.

" Liar!" Izumi pouted at him and turned her head away from him seemingly ignoring him but she would still grumpily bite the piece of food that Yuu would send to her with his chopsticks.

" Izumi, Yuu-chan should be very busy " the third person on the table a gentle mature woman Miyuki Uchiha the mother of Izumi and adopted mother of Yuu, chided Izumi in a gentle tone.

Izumi who wanted to argue was silenced by her mother's gentle smile which was not so gentle, she didn't know why her mother was in an irritable mood after she came back.

" He has a lot on his shoulders and he has to worry about the people of the Land of Rivers and he would naturally have to take care of his subordinates " Miyuki said in a gentle tone but there was a hint of sourness hidden in it, her words were reasonable but why did it feel like there was something hidden in it.

Naturally, Miyuki knew something was going on between her Yuu-chan and his so-called secretary.

Miyuki didn't know why but this made her feel a little uncomfortable, it felt like the cabbage she painstakingly raised was eaten by a pig that too a wild pig.

Miyuki truly didn't expect the little child who ran after her proclaiming to marry her when he grew up would single-handedly change the whole situation of the Land of Rivers bringing salvation to many while at the same time saving the Uchiha clan from extinction.

She didn't expect him to accomplish so much, so his proclamation should have been a joke right?...


Yuu was gazing at the interesting discussion going on in the chat group.

Yuu suddenly got up from the table went to the washroom and came back preparing to leave for his room and before he left, he bent down to give a kiss on Myuki's cheek

"Miyuki-chan thanks for the meal, it was good as always " He said with a smile before going back to his room.

Miyuki had a rosy hint on her cheeks as she felt her heart beating a little fast, it wasn't the first time her Yuu-chan kissed her but she always viewed him as a child, but after today she had to change her viewpoint and see him as a man.

She had to accept it, her Yuu-chan had grown up...


Black-Bellied Utako: Madara-san I asked you to send a selfie but why do you have a depressed look on your face?

Hashirama's Little Princess: Can I still smile while knowing of my bleak future?

To others, the plot of Naruto might be an inspirational story about friendship, forgiveness, kindness and so on but to him it was like an execution. It was like he was shown the date of his death. how could he not be depressed when he found out that his whole life's purpose was a fruitless endeavour?

Hairspray man: Madara-san are you giving up so quickly, are you going to let that so-called fate bind you?

Yuu was a little interested as he saw Aizen transform into one of the best motivational speakers out there who can make even the most pessimistic person regain hope.

He understood that Aizen wanted to see how far Madara could go when he knew his inevitable demise and what splashes he could make. In simple terms, he wanted to witness the changes Madara could bring and would he be able to change his fate? If so then by how much and what would the result of his actions and what butterfly effects would he cause?

Yuu had to admit that Aizen truly was a person who went with his desires and curiosity. He would pay attention to anything that piqued his intrigue.

Yuu also decided to give his own set of words to motivate Madara!

Group Leader: Madara-san you don't wish to be separated from Hashirama forever do you?


Read 20 chapters ahead on my Pa***on


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