Selling [3]

"You want to sell this sword?"

The lady said, staring at the sword and then me. I didn't hesitate to nod my head.

"Yes, I want to sell this sword."

Take it from me.

If there was one thing that I desired, it was them taking the sword from me. 

"….Please wait a second."

The young lady immediately left, and I stood patiently at the waiting desk. From time to time, I'd find myself looking back.

My face was changed, and nobody could recognize me.

Still, I didn't feel safe and every second that I stood there with the sword felt like forever.

Seconds stretched into minutes and shortly after a gentleman with long white hair, a finely trimmed mustache, and a nicely fitting suit came from the back.

"Is this the product?"

He walked forward, took out a small monocle from his pocket, and analyzed the sword.

I stood behind the counter and watched as he took out the sword from the box and traced his finger over it.