Forest Hunt [1]


A sound like the shattering of chains suddenly echoed through the air, forcing several people to stop and look ahead. 

"The Melanchonies have been killed..." 

A deep and somber voice echoed shortly after. 

The atmosphere surrounding the man turned tense as a pair of deep black eyes fixed themselves on a certain cave in the distance. 

"That was fast." 


A sharp voice followed, and her eyes narrowed as they fixed on the same cave. It was as if she could see right through the jagged stone walls, her mouth twisting into a creepy and unsettling smile.

"It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't the case." 


Looking back, Taurus saw over a dozen people waiting behind them. He nudged his head in the direction of the cave. 

"Go, find him." 

Swoosh, swoosh—