Chapter 4: Witness

The five of them sat down for dinner. The table was already laid, and halfway into their meal, Hanabi asked, "So, Mom, you saw the intruder, right?"

Aiko nodded and said, "He came in the middle of the night. We had some deaths as the villagers were unprepared."

"What did he look like?" Kagura asked. 

"I didn't get a good look," Aiko admitted. "When I got up and saw him, he immediately disappeared."

"That's strange," Hayabusa commented. The rest agreed. Hanabi's father was not around, and it would have been easy for the attacker to kill everyone. 

"Looks like he has some other plans," Hanabi said while stuffing sushi in her mouth. Aiko added, "But I saw that he has emerald eyes. Like your friend here." She nodded at Hanzo, sitting next to Hanabi. 

Hanabi eyed him suspiciously for a long time, and, uncomfortable, Hanzo held the top of her head and turned it to face Aiko. Hanabi turned around again and stuck out her tongue at him. Hanzo just rolled his eyes at her childish act.

After dinner, Aiko showed Hayabusa, Kagura and Hanzo to the guest rooms while Hanabi went to her own room. Aiko smiled, "Rest well, all of you. "

Instead of checking out his room, Hanzo peeked inside Hanabi's room and snickered, "Now who's calling me lazy? My room is much tidier than yours."

Annoyed, Hanabi hissed, "Get lost." 

"You really think I'm the traitor, huh," Hanzo mumbled. "Yea," Hanabi replied, walking into her room. Her mother hadn't changed anything and everything was left just as it was when she left. 

Hanzo grabbed her hand and turned her around to face him. "I'm not the traitor," he said seriously, staring at her. Hanabi blushed when she realised how close they were. 

She smacked his hands away. "Well, my gut instinct says you're the traitor, and I trust me more than you," she huffed, cheeks red. Hanzo smirked at her reaction and added, "Wake up early tomorrow, baby. We gotta ask the villagers if they noticed anything strange yesterday."

Embarrassed, Hanabi shooed him out of the room and shut the door. Hanzo sounded like he wasn't lying, but then she couldn't be wrong. 

"Hayabusa should know better than me," Hanabi said to herself. "They're brothers."

She dashed out of her room to Hayabusa's and crashed into someone. "Ow," she complained, rubbing her forehead. Looking up, she saw Hanzo smirking. 

He had been standing outside her room and he teased, "Why? In a rush to see me again?"

Hanabi rolled her eyes and said, "As if!" She tried to shove her way past him, but he blocked her. 

"What do you want now?" yelled Hanabi, annoyed. "To annoy you," Hanzo immediately said. Hanabi gave him a death glare and he put his hands up in surrender and backed off to his room. 

"Annoying bastard," Hanabi muttered. 

Hanabi pulled open the door to Hayabusa's room and immediately covered her eyes and cringed upon seeing Hayabusa and Kagura hugging.

"Ew! Don't do that in front of me, you freaking couple!" Hanabi yelled. "Well, technically it's your fault for not knocking before you come in," Kagura said.

"What do you want?" Hayabusa asked coldly, staring at Hanabi. Hanabi took no notice and plopped on the chair. 

"Since Hanzo is your brother, you know more about him, right?" Hanabi asked. "Why? You got a crush on him?" Kagura jested, still annoyed that Hanabi had barged in and ruined her couple time with Hayabusa. 

Hanabi said, "Shaddap! Like that would ever happen! Hey, you there, do you think Hanzo could be the traitor?"

"Firstly, I don't know a lot about Hanzo. Secondly, just 'cause Aiko said the attacker has emerald eyes like Hanzo, that doesn't prove that he's the traitor." Hayabusa said. 

"Wow, you have no brotherly love at all," Hanabi snickered, totally ignoring his second point. "You gave all your love to our Kagura here. No wonder you're so cold to everyone else."

Hanabi strutted out of the room before any of them could say anything. "She's annoying," Kagura remarked. Hayabusa nodded. 

Kagura gave Hayabusa a quick kiss before returning to her room, all four of them going to sleep to wake up on time the next day.