Chapter 6: Restaurant

Hanabi woke up, only to find Kagura still sleeping. "Wake up, you swine!" she yelled, using a pillow to smack Kagura. 

"Hey!" Kagura yawned, sitting up. "You don't have to hit me!"

Hanabi simply smirked and got ready, then she headed to the guys' room. 

As she pushed open the door, she covered her face with her hands yet again as she got a good view of Hanzo's six-pack abs.

She yelled, "Put a shirt on, you indecent idiot!"

Hanzo had just finished his shower and had only a towel wrapped around his lower part, and water was still dripping down his hair onto his lean torso.

"Why? Am I too handsome for you now?" Hanzo jested.

"You crazy bastard! Who goes around half-naked?" Hanabi said, turning so that her back faced him. 

"You're the one who came in without warning," Hanzo said. "Just put a shirt on!" Hanabi yelled. 

Hanzo smirked at her reaction and said, "Where are we going? We don't even know where they're gonna meet."

After double checking that he had dressed, Hanabi turned around and shrugged, saying, "Aren't you the best ninja? You should be the one answering that question, not asking it."

Hanzo just rolled his eyes. Hanabi headed back to her room, and just as she was about to turn around the corner, she heard some voices. 

She stopped and almost had a heart attack when someone bumped into her, causing her to almost fall over. "What-" Hanzo covered her mouth with his hand and put a finger to his lips. 

"Where is the ninja? He agreed to meet at the restaurant soon." A husky male voice complained. 

"Be patient. It's not time yet, and I look forward to his surprise." A female voice said calmly. "He better be on time," the man growled. 

Hanabi and Hanzo heard their footsteps fade away as they left. "We're damn lucky," Hanabi said. 

"Or maybe not," Hanzo thought. Hanabi said, "You tell the others. I'm gonna follow them." 

Hanzo simply nodded and quickly told the others what they had overheard. They caught up with Hanabi, joining her on the roof. 

"They went in there," Hanabi said, pointing at a restaurant opposite the building they were on. 

The four of them jumped off behind the building, then joined the crowd. They managed to squeeze through to the restaurant, and a lady approached them. 

"Reservations?" she asked. "Uh, no." Hanabi said. "Follow me, then." The lady led them to a table on the first floor. 

"What's on the second floor?" Kagura asked. "Those are only for VIPs," the lady said. She handed them a menu and left. 

"They're probably up there," Hanzo said, flipping through the menu. "But if it's only for VIPs, then they must have been meeting here for a long time." Hayabusa said. 

"Hanabi and I will try to go up there and find out what they're doing. You two stay here and catch them if they try to leave." Hanzo said, standing up.

He grabbed Hanabi and pulled her behind him as they tried to make their way up without being seen. 

"Y' know, I've never seen you so serious before," Hanabi teased. "There's a lot you don't know about me," Hanzo said. 

Luckily, the restaurant was very busy, so nobody paid them much attention.