C2 The Truth

Inside the center of the storm floated four thrones and a round table in the middle made out of unknown material.

Even though an uncountable number of purple lightning kept on destroying anything in their path they avoided the man-made structures as if they were a plague.

On a closer look, you could see that the structures each and every nook and cranny had carvings of mythical beings.

Suddenly four purple balls of light appeared out of nowhere and condensed into four humanoid figures.

But even though they did apart from telling their height, gender, and mass you couldn't make out anything else. (Concept Art In paragraph comment)

"Have you three lost your minds?! It's our last chance to save the Milky Way from destruction yet you've squandered that chance by sending that psycho back In time?!"

The horrified knowledge raored who judging from his voice was an old man but at the same time felt as if countless voices spoke at once.

"And what would you suggest?! How many times it has been already?! Every time we reverse time our galaxy gets destroyed In the end!"

Civilization who only reached the height of a child but had muscles that would make even the biggest bodybuilders look like children compared to him roared as he slammed his clenched hand into the table causing it to shatter into countless pieces.

"Enough! There's no point in arguing! What done Is done! Either our galaxy gets saved or It gets destroyed for good!"

An abnormally tall woman by human standards who could make any man start a war just by her voice alone said as with a flick of her hand the table reformed itself at naked eye visible speed.

Upon hearing the woman's words the two fell into silence because deep down they knew that the woman was right.

After all no matter how many times they reversed time their chosen civilizations more or less traveled down the same path.

The most successful one so far only managed to barely repel one extragalactic Xeno race that under Ragnaroks manipulation invaded the Milky Way galaxy in order to destroy it.

But the keywords were that they barely did it so not to mention the second and third waves and let's not even talk about the remnants from the time before they ascended which were the Ragnaroks final killers.

While the other one which they had the most hopes for even after all this time couldn't even step out from their solar system before nuking themselves to death first.

Of course, they had the power to forcibly interfere in their chosen civilizations development path but they could only do so much without breaking the laws of existence.

So no matter how they looked at it they had no hope left in them whatsoever the only reason they continued to do this was because this was the only feasible choice they had.

Although if compared to those civilizations they were basically gods all but in name they were still subjects to the laws of existence itself

Suddenly the last figure which kept itself quiet all this time actually spoke up and it was quite a shock to the other three because in their eyes she was the embodiment of war, death, and chaos itself.

"Desire those two arent wrong that guy is an utter lunatic"

The woman who had a figure of a warrior but at the same time didn't lose out to Desire and some would even say she was even more bewitching than her with that wild aura of hers that would make men want to thoroughly conquer and tame her.

Said as a set of bloodred eyes staring at her ready to rip her to pieces flashed in her mind.

"He almost ripped my throat out then I Interrupted his drinking"

War finished her words as her body involuntarily trembled.

"The fact that the man Is the most coldhearted grim reaper In existence that even Death itself had become smitten with because of his reaping efficiency Is an iron-clad one we can only hope that the false memories we Implanted Into his mind can keep him In check"

War continued.

"But I fear that It's only a matter of time before his original ones resurface and once they do there's no telling what that psycho will do"

War finished saying and she was right to be afraid.

The man of their topic was Dracula Von Death, known among the echelons of the unseen world as the most coldhearted grim reaper, was a figure cloaked in mystery and fear.

His prowess in reaping souls was unparalleled, his efficiency bordering on the supernatural.

Legends whispered in the shadowy corners of the afterlife told of a man whose very presence could chill the air, whose eyes held the finality of death itself.

He was the extension of Death's will, her most efficient war hound that seemed to take great pride In his work.

So much so that Death granted him the Von Death moniker, and the scariest part was that before he died he was already hailed as the prince of Death, the number one buggy man of UNOEs enemy's nightmares.

War, still visibly shaken, struggled to compose herself as she considered the gravity of their situation.

"He's not just a grim reaper, he's a force of nature, his allegiance to the task of collecting souls has always been... unnervingly devout, so Desire you better figure out how to tame him before he regains his memory"

War said as she focused her eyes on Desire.

Desire met War's intense gaze with a confident smirk.

"Trust me, War. I've dealt with men like Dracula before. Even the coldest heart can be warmed, and the most rigid mind can be bent. All it takes is the right... incentive."

War raised an eyebrow, skeptical yet intrigued.

"And you believe love, or whatever semblance of it you can conjure, will be enough to sway a man who has stared into the abyss and embraced it?"

"It's not about love, not in the traditional sense,"

Desire clarified.

"It's about forging bonds, creating attachments. Dracula, despite his coldhearted nature, is still bound by some semblance of human emotion. If we introduce him to someone—or someones—who can stir even a flicker of emotion in him, it could anchor him, give him a reason to fight for our cause when his memories resurface."

"And you have candidates in mind for this?"

War asked, her tone a mix of disbelief and curiosity.

Desire nodded.

"A few possibilities. Women who are strong, captivating, capable of holding their own. They're not just any women; they're warriors, intellectuals, women of substance. They need to be, to deal with someone like Dracula. I plan to introduce them gradually, let him form a natural connection."

"And when his memories return?"

"That's when the true test begins,"

Desire said gravely.

"If these connections are strong enough, if he cares enough, he'll have to choose. His past, driven by hate for life and devoid of personal attachment, or a future where he fights not just as a grim reaper or a soldier, but as a protector, someone with something—or someone—to lose."

War considered this, her expression softening slightly.

"It's a risky plan. Manipulating emotions, especially his, could backfire spectacularly."

Desire's smile was enigmatic.

"All great plans carry risk. But imagine the potential. Dracula Von Death, a legendary reaper, fighting with the ferocity of a soldier and the passion of a man with something dear at stake. He could be our greatest asset in the battles to come, especially in the Milky Way."

Desire finished her words with a confident smirk.

"Fine I leave It to you"

War said only to notice the two men's horrified gazes as they looked at the two women.


War barked.

"Y... you two are simply evil Incarnate"

Knowledge said with Civilization nodding on the side.

"Hmph! Men!"

War scoffed at the two words.


Hehehe you thought this was a setting where the MC transmigrates from a video game to reality didn't you? :)