C10 Should I Space Them?

"Yes, Imperator, I see your point now,"

Wolf finally said, his tone shifting from frustration to a more contemplative one.

"Our Inability to reproduce naturally and the capacity restrictions of our cloning facilities do pose a significant challenge for the long-term sustainability of the Terranum Imperium."

I nodded, pleased that he was beginning to grasp the larger picture.

"Exactly, Wolf. Our approach must evolve if we are to build a lasting empire. The inhabitants of Thrae offer us an opportunity, not just in terms of manpower but in diversity of thought, innovation, and culture. Their integration into our Imperium could be the key to our longevity and prosperity."

Wolf pondered this for a moment, his expression indicating that he was considering the potential benefits of this new strategy.

"So, our goal is not just conquest, but integration and collaboration. We're to build an empire that is sustainable and diverse."


I affirmed.

"Our past tactics were effective for immediate control, but they won't help us achieve a lasting legacy. By offering Thrae a chance for cooperation and advancement, we can secure a future for our Imperium that is not only powerful but also resilient and enriched by a multitude of perspectives."

Wolf straightened up, a newfound understanding reflecting in his light shade of red eyes.

"I will support your strategy, Imperator. It's a bold move, but if anyone can lead us toward this new future, it's you."

Satisfied with Wolf's acknowledgment, I turned my gaze back to the vast expanse of space visible from the bridge. The stars seemed to shimmer with untold possibilities. This was just the beginning.

The journey to forge an interstellar empire that would stand the test of time was underway, and Thrae was the first crucial step on that path.

The challenges ahead were numerous, but with careful planning, diplomacy, and a clear vision, the Terranum Imperium would rise to heights previously unimagined, transcending the limitations of our past and embracing a future filled with infinite potential.



The speech by Dracula, broadcasted directly by the Tactical Artificial Intelligence (TAI) of the Einherjar into every smart device on Thrae, sent shockwaves through every level of society.

People from all walks of life, regardless of their location or activity, found their devices suddenly overtaken by the unexpected and historic announcement.

In Homes and Public Spaces Families gathered around their living room devices and watched in stunned silence as Dracula's image appeared on their screens.

In bars and restaurants, conversations halted abruptly, with patrons turning their attention to the nearest device broadcasting the message.

The streets, usually buzzing with the sounds of everyday life, grew quiet as people pulled out their phones to watch the broadcast.

Among the Youth and Students Schools and universities became hubs of intense discussion.

Students crowded around smartphones and tablets, some in disbelief, others analyzing Dracula's words with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

In dormitories and campuses, debates erupted, with some students feeling a surge of adventurous spirit at the prospect of joining an interstellar endeavor.

In the Scientific Community Scientists and researchers were particularly affected.

In laboratories and universities, the broadcast prompted a frenzy of speculation and theorizing.

Astronomers and astrophysicists scrambled to gather more data on the Einherjar and its origin, while scientists went bonkers at the prospect of learning alien technology which seemed to be 100 years more advanced than anything they had. 

Military bases around Thrae were thrown into a state of alert.

Commanders and soldiers watched the broadcast with a professional eye, assessing the potential threat and implications of Dracula's claims.

Discussions about strategy, potential alliances, and the need for advanced technology became immediate priorities.

Political leaders and government officials, already aware of the situation due to the secret meeting, faced the public's reaction head-on.

They were bombarded with questions and demands for action, both in support of and against cooperation with Dracula.

Crisis meetings were convened to discuss the political, diplomatic, and security implications.

In boardrooms and offices, business leaders saw both challenges and opportunities.

The prospect of advanced technology and new resources sparked interest, while concerns about the stability and future of the planet's economy also arose.

Religious leaders and philosophers grappled with the existential implications of the announcement.

Places of worship saw an influx of people seeking comfort and answers, while online forums and social media were abuzz with philosophical debates about humanity's place in the universe.

Conspiracy theorists went into overdrive, with online communities proposing various theories about Dracula and the Einherjar.

Skeptics questioned the authenticity of the broadcast, while others wondered if this was part of a larger, more ominous plot.

Overall, the public reaction was a mixture of fear, wonder, and uncertainty.

Dracula's message, direct and unfiltered, left many feeling vulnerable yet fascinated. The idea of being part of a larger cosmic community was both daunting and exhilarating.

In every corner of Thrae, Dracula's speech became the center of conversation.

It was a moment that transcended the ordinary, a pivotal point in history that would shape discussions, policies, and actions for years to come.


A few days after the historic address to Thrae, I found myself in the relative solitude of my quarters aboard the TIS Einherjar.

The weight of recent events and the decisions that lay ahead occupied my thoughts.

My contemplation was interrupted by a report from Hans, the head of my Terranum militarium intelligence department.

Hans, dressed in a service uniform mirroring my own, stood before me with a demeanor that mixed professionalism with the gravity of his duties.

He detailed the outcomes of the interrogation of the astronauts from Thrae, his report thorough and precise.

"We've extracted all useful information from the astronauts and the docs had done all the tests they wanted, Imperator,"

Hans reported.

"They've provided insights into Thrae's technological capabilities, societal structure, and potential strategic value to the Imperium."

I listened intently, considering the implications of this information. The astronauts, unwittingly, had become a crucial link in understanding Thrae and its inhabitants while the rest was done by TAI who sliced Into any network It wanted on Thrae without any obstructions.

Hans continued.

"Since the interrogation is complete, should I space them, or would you prefer another course of action Imperator?"

The question, stark in its simplicity, held significant weight.

The treatment of these astronauts would set a precedent for how the Terranum Imperium interacted with the inhabitants of Thrae.

After a moment of reflection, I made my decision.

"Return them, Hans,"

I ordered firmly.

"Arrange for their safe transfer back to Thrae, there's no benefit In spacing them"

Hans nodded, understanding the importance of the decision.

"Very well, Imperator. I will contact Thrae's leaders and arrange for the transfer of the astronauts."

Hans said as he performed a modern military salute and left to carry out the orders, I remained in my quarters, gazing out at the stars through my room's armored glass viewports while countless plans of how to proceed forward ran through my head.


President Thomas sat in his office, his gaze fixed on the reports and briefings scattered across his desk, each one detailing the rapidly evolving situation with the Terranum Imperium.

The world had been in a state of heightened alert since Dracula's announcement, and Thomas had been working tirelessly to navigate this unprecedented diplomatic terrain.

His Chief of Staff entered the room, a sense of urgency in her stride.

"Mr. President, I have an update from the Terrans"

She announced using the nickname everyone had come up with for the aliens, her tone reflecting the gravity of every communication they now received from the extraterrestrial entity.

Thomas looked up, his expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

"Go ahead,"

He prompted.

"Mr. President, the Terrans have contacted us regarding John Avery,"

The Chief of Staff reported.

"They've expressed their intention to return him safely. They've assured us he is unharmed and have requested that we designate a location for the transfer."