C24 Death From Above

Alex's a standard shut-in hands were unsteady with a mix of adrenaline and fear as he pointed his smartphone towards the sky, capturing the sight of a Thraen dropship escorted by three Wraith fighters hovering ominously above a nearby skyscraper.

His voice, barely a whisper, narrated the surreal scene.

"They're here... the Terran soldiers, just look at them!"

Viewers from around the city and beyond tuned in, their screens filling with the live feed, comments and reactions began flooding in.

@CityWatcher: "This is insane. Those soldiers are jumping out of the dropship like it's nothing!"

@SkylineSue: "Are they not afraid of the height? That jump would break anyone's bones!"

Alex zoomed in as the marines, in their distinctive power armor, entered the rooftop staircase in a formation that spoke of iron discipline and unyielding purpose after jumping out from the dropship's back.

Their smart assault rifles, with menacing green lasers, pointed ahead, ready for whatever awaited them.

The atmosphere was tense, both In Alexs apartment and among the netizens watching live.


The Cosmic Marines, in their formidable power armor, moved with a precision and coordination that seemed almost inhuman.

They descended the staircase methodically, their movements synchronized and efficient. The sound of their heavy metallic boots echoed through the stairwell, a constant, ominous drumming.

As the marines reached the apartment floor, they lined up in a tactical formation in front of a door.

The lead marine signaled to his team, and they prepared to breach, seeing this one marine raised his armored foot.


The lead marine commanded, his voice distorted through the helmet's comm system as he did the marine kicked the doors "this is s*arta" style causing the armored apartments doors to fly Inwards.

The Cosmic Marines moved in immediately, their rifles raised and ready.


Then, the unmistakable sound of deafening gunshots erupted, shattering the surreal calm.

Flashes of light and bursts of flames appeared in one of the apartment windows. Alex's camera shook, but he managed to keep filming.

"Oh my G*d, they're shooting in there! I can see someone!"

An armed man appeared in the window, running, only to be gunned down from behind.

The viewers saw the stark reality of the cosmic marines' ruthless efficiency.

@NewsJunkieJill: "That's brutal! They just took him down like it was nothing!"

@PeaceSeeker: "This is terrifying. Is this really happening in our city?"

As one marine approached the fallen man, two more shots rang out, biomatter splattering against the window. The cold, clinical precision left the onlookers in shock.

@ActionAiden: "Double tap. These guys are not taking any chances."

@CityLifeCarla: "I can't believe I'm watching this live. This is horrifying."

Alex, still filming, tried to steady his voice.

"This... this is real, folks. Those soldiers, they're not here to play, the Terrans are pissed and, they're cleaning house."

His feed continued, capturing every harrowing moment of the operation.

As the reality of the Terranum Imperium's merciless approach to threats became clear, the citizens of Thrae and netizens around the world grappled with a mixture of fear, fascination, and the dawning realization that their world had irrevocably changed.


On the other side of the planet Inside the cockpit of the Terranum Imperium Mark I Reaper bomber that looked like sci-fi B2 on steroids was a symphony of lights and sounds, the advanced holographic control panels and displays illuminating the dim space.

Captain "Raptor," an experienced pilot of the Imperium's elite bomber wing, adjusted his fully enclosed helmet as he guided the formidable craft through the skies above Thrae.

"Raptor, this is Bridge Command. New orders just came in. Over."

Raptor's fingers danced over the control panel, adjusting his course slightly as he responded.

"Bridge Command, this is Raptor. Ready to receive new orders. Over."

The voice of first Lieutenant Mark Vasquez, stern and unyielding, crackled through the headset.

"TAI has identified that a Workers Unions armored division military base Is full of Humanity First members.

Your orders are to execute an air strike. It's been deemed a waste of time to deploy Cosmic Marines for this task. Over."

Raptor's eyes narrowed, focusing on the holographic tactical display.

Coordinates and data streamed across the glass see-through holographic screen, pinpointing the target location.

"Roger that, Bridge Command. Initiating attack protocol. Over."

He expertly manipulated the controls, redirecting the bomber toward the target. The aircraft, a marvel of Terranum engineering, responded with precise obedience, its chemical thrusters humming a powerful tune and blue flames.

"Preparing Type I payload for release. Confirming the target coordinates now. Over."

Raptor's co-pilot, Lieutenant "Viper," confirmed the target information, his voice steady despite the gravity of their mission.

"Coordinates confirmed, Captain. Target locked. Payload ready for deployment on your mark."

The bomber approached the target, its sleek form slicing through the clouds. Below them, the military base was a sprawl of buildings and hangars, unsuspecting of the impending doom.

"Bridge Command, this is Raptor. We are in position and ready to engage. Awaiting final authorization. Over."

There was a brief pause before the bridge officer's voice returned, unyielding as ever.

"Authorization granted, Raptor. Execute the strike with extreme prejudice. Ensure no survivors. Over."

Raptor exhaled slowly, a mixture of determination and solemnity in his gesture.

"Understood, Bridge Command. Engaging target now. Over."

He pressed the release button, and the bomber shuddered slightly as the payload consisting of 30 air-to-ground 500 kilograms each rocket-propelled bombs detached, plummeting towards the base below as their Inbuilt AIs made course adjustments.

"Payload deployed. Impact in T-minus 15 seconds. Over."

Raptor and Viper watched the countdown, their faces illuminated by the glow of the instruments.

The seconds ticked away, each one heavy with consequences.

"Impact confirmed, Bridge Command. Target neutralized. Over."

The base below was engulfed in a maelstrom of fire and destruction, the bomber's payload ensuring total obliteration of the facility.

"Good work, Raptor, the marines will do the clean-up, and stay In the air for further orders. Over."

Raptor adjusted the bomber's trajectory, setting the bomber to start flying a circle around the base In flames.

"Roger that, Bridge Command, Over."

As the bomber flew in the air three dropships carrying a platoon of cosmic marines left the air fleet with the protection of a flight of fighters.

The marines quickly deployed and scrubbed through the full of flames, craters debris, and burned to coak bodies for any survivors after not finding any they boarded their dropships and ascended to the sky to rejoin their task force.

While the bomber's cockpit remained a silent testament to the Terranum Imperium's might, a vessel of destruction guided by the unwavering resolve of its pilot.


Before the Thraen leaders could fully digest the ominous words of Imperator Dracula Von Death, urgent news shattered the tense atmosphere in the underground bunker.

President Orlov's communicator buzzed with an alarming message: one of the Workers' Union military bases had been obliterated in an air strike.


Orlov cursed loudly, his face contorting with anger. The other leaders looked on, a mix of concern and fear evident on their faces.

"What happened?"

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja asked, her voice tense.

"Our military base... it's been destroyed. Completely wiped out by a Terranum bomber,"

Orlov responded, his voice trembling with fury.

Premier Zhou tried to calm him,

"President Orlov, we must not act in haste. This could escalate into a full-blown conflict."

Ignoring Zhou, Orlov snatched up his communicator and dialed his Minister of Defense.

"Sergei, this is Orlov. I want every available fighter in the air now. Intercept that Terran task force! I won't stand for this blatant act of aggression!"

The Minister of Defense, taken aback, responded cautiously,

"Mr. President, are you sure? Engaging them directly could lead to severe repercussions."

"I don't care about repercussions! They attacked us on our soil. I will not sit idly by while they massacre our people. Deploy our forces now!" Orlov commanded, his voice echoing in the bunker.

The Minister hesitated.