C26 The Harbinger Of Death

"Command, this is Raven Squadron. We have a visual on an enemy air group. Awaiting engagement orders, over."

A moment of static-filled silence ensued before the command's response came through, cold and unyielding.

"Raven and Vulture Squadrons, you are authorized to engage. Use all necessary force, no survivors, over."

Raven relayed the order to his squadron.

"You heard the command. Let's make this quick and clean. Engage missile systems."

As the two forces closed in, the Terran pilots, with their advanced targeting systems, locked onto the SU-57s.

The first volley of missiles, sleek and deadly, shot forth from the Terran fighters and interceptors.

The SU-57s deployed their countermeasures, flares, and electronic jammers bursting into life.

But it was futile against the Terran missiles, which had advanced tracking AI, easily bypassing the countermeasures.

A third of the Worker's Union jets erupted into flames, their pilots unable to evade the relentless assault. Ivanov watched in horror as his comrades were taken out.

"Fire! Fire all of our missiles!"

The horrified Ivan ordered as he did he and every other workers union pilot fired all of their missiles only to see most of them lose track of their targets after being fired while the ones that managed to get to their targets got destroyed by Terrans countermeasures.

"They're too advanced! Regroup and prepare for dogfighting!"

Ivanov commanded, desperation creeping into his voice.

The remaining SU-57s maneuvered into combat positions, but the Terran fighters, with their advanced deflectors and agility, were always one step ahead.

The holographic displays inside the Terran cockpits lit up with targeting information, their systems effortlessly tracking the SU-57s.

"Raven Squadron, weapons free. Let's show them what we've got,"

Raven ordered.

The dogfight that ensued was one-sided. The Terran pilots, benefiting from their superior technology, engaged with ruthless efficiency.

Their lasers and 50 mm cannons tore through the skies, finding their mark with deadly precision.

Ivanov and his pilots fought valiantly, but they were outmatched. The SU-57s, despite their agility and firepower, couldn't penetrate the Terran fighters' deflectors.

Their own craft succumbed one by one to the relentless barrage.

"Mayday! Mayday! I'm hit!"

Cried one of Ivanov's wingmen, his jet spiraling down in flames.

Ivanov himself dodged and weaved through the onslaught, firing at every opportunity, but his efforts were in vain. His radar screen blipped with the loss of each of his comrades, the reality of their situation sinking in.

Within minutes, the entire Worker's Union air group was decimated. The skies cleared of the enemy, leaving only the Terran squadrons in triumphant formation.

"Raven Squadron to Command, mission accomplished. Enemy air group neutralized, over,"

Raven reported, his voice betraying no emotion.

"Confirmed, Raven Squadron. Return to formation and proceed to the next objective. Well done, over."

As the Terran squadrons regrouped and set course for their next mission, the significance of their victory was clear.

The Terranum Imperium's aerial superiority was undeniable, a stark reminder of the power they wielded in the skies above Thrae.

The scene of the aerial battle, though now calm, was a testament to the formidable presence of the Terranum Imperium, a force that would not be challenged without severe consequences.

The skies, once a domain of freedom and adventure, had become a theater of war and domination, forever altered by the advanced warfare of the interstellar invaders.

The situation was delicate, a balance of power and diplomacy that required a careful approach. 


The tension in the bunker was palpable as the Thraen leaders absorbed the full implications of Imperator Dracula's orders.

The horror and disbelief on their faces were evident as they grappled with the reality of the situation.

President Thomas, his voice shaking, was the first to respond.

"Imperator Dracula, please, you must reconsider! The use of such a weapon could have catastrophic consequences for our planet!"

Secretary-General Adelaja, her usual composure faltering, joined in urgently.

"We implore you, do not use the mass accelerator cannon. There are innocent lives at stake, countless civilians who have nothing to do with this conflict!"

Premier Zhou, struggling to maintain his diplomatic demeanor, pleaded.

"The repercussions of such an action would be irreversible. We are committed to resolving this situation peacefully. There is no need for such extreme measures."

The leaders' pleas echoed in the bunker, a mix of fear, desperation, and a dawning realization of their powerlessness against the might of the Terranum Imperium.

Despite their attempts to communicate the severity of the situation and their willingness to cooperate, the chilling silence from the other end of the communication line only amplified their sense of dread.

Their eyes were glued to their screens, waiting for any sign of relenting from Imperator Dracula, each leader wrestling with the grim reality of their precarious position on the global stage.

"I warned you didn't I?"

Dracula said In a low dangerous voice devoid of any warmth or emotion after a moment of silence.

This was the last sentence they heard before their screens went black.


As Orlov sat In his room smoking his cigar to relieve his tense nerves his communicator buzzed urgently. It was his Minister of Defense, the tone in his voice foretelling the grim news.

"Mr. President, our entire air group... they've been completely annihilated. The Terranum Imperium's forces... they left no survivors."

Orlov's grip on the communicator tightened, his knuckles whitening. The loss was not just a military defeat; it was a shattering blow to his resolve, a stark reminder of the Terranum Imperium's overwhelming power.

The room fell into a deafening silence, broken only by the shaky breaths of a leader grappling with the consequences of his actions.

As he struggled to compose himself, the door burst open. The other Thraen leaders, faces etched with urgency and fear, rushed in.

"President Orlov, you must contact Imperator Dracula immediately!"

Secretary-General Adelaja implored, her voice tinged with panic.

"He's preparing to fire the mass accelerator cannon. You must beg for his forgiveness, for the sake of our people!"

Premier Zhou added, his usual composure now frayed by the escalating crisis.

Orlov, overwhelmed by the rapid succession of disastrous events, slumped back into his chair.

His body shook uncontrollably, a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within him.

The realization that his impulsive decision to engage the Terranum Imperium had precipitated an unprecedented catastrophe was too much to bear.

The once strong-willed and decisive leader now appeared broken, his face a mask of despair.

The bunker, which had been a hub of frantic activity just moments ago, fell eerily silent, the leaders looking on helplessly as one of their own succumbed to the crushing weight of his actions.

In this moment of crisis, the stark reality of their vulnerability against the Terranum Imperium was laid bare.

The fate of Thrae, once in the hands of its leaders, now hung precariously in the balance, subject to the whims of an interstellar power they had underestimated.


Aboard the TIS Einherjar, the atmosphere was charged with a palpable tension as preparations for the mass accelerator cannon commenced.

The bridge buzzed with activity, with officers and crew members moving with a purpose that spoke of the gravity of the situation.

I stood by the main viewport, my eyes fixed on the planet Thrae below. Wolf approached his expression stoic.

"Imperator, the mass accelerator cannon is being prepped. We're ready to begin the firing sequence on your command."

I nodded, my gaze still locked on the planet.

"Proceed with the preparations. I want a full systems check before we proceed."

Wolf turned to the console, relaying the orders.

"Engineering, this is the bridge. Begin systems check for the mass accelerator cannon. I want every detail confirmed."

In the engineering section, Chief Engineer Liu responded promptly.

"Roger that, bridge. Initiating systems check now. We'll ensure every component is functioning at optimal capacity."

The crew members in the engineering section moved swiftly, checking the intricate network of power conduits, cooling systems, and targeting mechanisms that comprised the cannon's infrastructure.