C29 International Chaos

The various news studios that had been reporting about Terranum Militarium military operations from around the globe that Included cosmic marines storming into various citizen's buildings and executing people on the spot in broad daylight.

To footages of air raids that flattened cities and military bases alike leaving nothing but burning craters and corpses behind.

Were once again abuzz with activity, the air thick with tension as reporters and producers scrambled to update the world on the unfolding events.

Anchor Lisa Chou sat at the news desk, her expression grave. The studio lights cast a somber glow as she addressed the camera.

"We continue our coverage of the catastrophic tsunami that has struck the coastal regions of Workers Union"

She began.

"While the cause of the tsunami remains officially unconfirmed, sources indicate that it may be linked to the Terranum Imperium's military operations in the region."

The screen behind her displayed footage of the devastation – collapsed buildings, flooded streets, and rescue workers navigating through the debris.

"Reports are coming in of unprecedented destruction, with thousands feared dead or missing,"

Lisa continued.

"The international community is in shock, and there are growing calls for a full investigation into the cause of this disaster."

Reporter Max Jensen, standing amidst the ruins of a coastal town, spoke into his microphone, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"I'm here in what used to be a bustling coastal community, now reduced to rubble. The scale of the destruction is unimaginable. Survivors are in desperate need of aid, and there is a growing sense of anger and confusion about how this could have happened."

He turned to a local woman, her face etched with grief and exhaustion.

"Ma'am, can you tell us what you experienced?"

The woman, clutching a tattered photograph, replied shakily,

"It was like a nightmare. The water came without warning. Everything is gone. We heard rumors... rumors that this is because of the Terranum Imperium. If it's true... how could they?"

As news spread, social media was flooded with reactions from around the globe.

@GlobalCitizen tweeted, "Watching the news about the tsunami in Thrae. The destruction is heartbreaking. If the Terranum Imperium is behind this, it's unforgivable. #ThraeTsunami"

@PeaceAdvocate posted, "The world needs answers. We can't have powers like the Terranum Imperium causing such devastation unchecked. #DemandJusticeForThrae"

On the other side, @SpaceAgeRealist commented, "Let's not jump to conclusions about the Terranum Imperium's involvement. We need facts, not speculation. #WaitForTheTruth"

@GlobalCitizen "What facts the Terranum Imperium Is executing people In broad daylight and bombing everything that they want what more facts do you need?! #Facts!

The netizen proceeded to share the videos of cosmic marines In action and the clip of the aerial bombardment that reduced an entire town to a smoldering wreck.

Back in the news studio, Lisa Chou introduced a panel of experts.

"We're joined by Dr. Helen Ramirez, a geologist, and Professor Mark Levinson, a military analyst. Dr. Ramirez, can you shed light on the cause of the tsunami?"

Dr. Ramirez replied.

"The pattern of the waves suggests an extraordinary impact event. While natural causes can't be ruled out, the suspicion towards the Terranum Imperium's activities is understandable given their recent operations."

Professor Levinson added.

"If it is indeed linked to the Terranum Imperium, it represents a significant escalation in their use of force. Such an act would have serious implications for interstellar relations and the balance of power on Thrae."

Back on the Internet the discussion heated up, @GlobalCitizen's tweet sparked a thread of intense conversation.

"Watch the clips! Terran Marines are executing people on sight, and towns are being bombed into oblivion. How is this justified?"

He argued, sharing the harrowing footage of the Terranum Imperium's operations.

@SpaceAgeRealist shot back, "We need to understand the context. These operations could be a response to a significant threat. The Terranum Imperium has its reasons."

Another user, @HumanityFirstWatcher, chimed in, sharing tweets from the Humanity First group.

"Look, they claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt on imperator Dracula. This might be the Imperium's retaliation."

This revelation divided the online community further.

@JusticeSeeker replied, "Claiming responsibility for an attack doesn't give the Terranum Imperium carte blanche to wreak havoc. There's a line between justice and outright terror!"

@RealistResponder countered, "Remember, the Terranum Imperium operates by different rules. They are an intergalactic force. Our laws and conventions might not apply to them."

News outlets were quick to pick up on the debate, with various analysts and experts weighing in on the unfolding situation.

In a televised debate, a political analyst remarked.

"The Terranum Imperium's actions, while seemingly disproportionate, could be rooted in their own legal and moral frameworks, which are alien to us."

A human rights advocate responded.

"That's precisely the problem. If we start excusing such acts based on 'alien legal frameworks,' where does it leave our global order and justice system?"

As the debates raged on, more footage emerged from Thrae – scenes of destruction juxtaposed with images of Terran soldiers providing aid to the tsunami victims, further complicating the narrative.

Back on social media, the discussion continued unabated.

@PeaceAdvocate posted, "We can't ignore the aid being provided by the Terranum Imperium. They're not just invaders; they're also playing a part in the relief efforts."

@WarIsNotTheAnswer added, "This whole situation is a convoluted mess. Innocents are caught in the crossfire of a conflict they didn't ask for."

As the debates continued, the global community struggled to make sense of the complex situation, torn between condemnation and understanding, seeking clarity amidst a maelstrom of conflicting information and emotions.

In this turbulent environment, the actions of the Terranum Imperium remained at the center of a heated, global conversation, reflecting the deep divisions and uncertainties of an increasingly interconnected interstellar age.


On the bridge of the TIS Einherjar, a quiet intensity prevailed as I prepared to address the population of Thrae. Standing before the main viewport, gazing at the planet below, I turned to my communications officer, James.


I began, my voice resolute.

"Slice into every network on Thrae again. It's time for a broadcast."

James, his fingers poised over his holographic console, nodded in understanding.

"Understood, Imperator. I'll ensure we have full network access. It will take just a moment."

With practiced efficiency, James began typing rapidly, his fingers dancing across the console. The bridge crew watched in silence, aware of the significance of this broadcast.

"Network access is established, Imperator,"

James announced.

"We're ready to broadcast at your command."

I took a deep breath, steadying myself for the address.

"Begin the broadcast,"

I commanded, stepping forward to face the communication device.

As the signal went live, my image appeared on screens across Thrae, reaching homes, public spaces, and government buildings.

The people of Thrae, still reeling from recent events, now found themselves once again directly addressed by the enigmatic and powerful leader of the Terranum Imperium.

I spoke my words carrying across the planet.

"People of Thrae..."

My message, whatever it might be, was about to be heard by every listening ear on the planet.