C33 Isabella Tepesh Dracuela

Inside the tempestuous realm where Knowledge, Civilization, Desire, and War convened once again, the atmosphere was thick with tension and unease.

The four entities, each a force of their own, now faced the daunting prospect of dealing with the consequences of their choice.

Knowledge, his voice layered with countless timbres, broke the silence.

"He's a psycho a goddamn psycho, at this rate he will exterminate humanity before they can nuke themselves to death first!."

The horrified knowledge roared.

"That's not the worst part the worst part Is that he Is already regaining fragments of his memories, It's too fast at this rate he will remember everything In a few years!"

The equally horrified civilization added.

"I hate to admit It but you two are right, things aren't looking good at all"

War admitted as she focused her eyes on the deep In thought desire.

"F*ck, I have no choice but to move up my timetable, f*ck Ill have to replan my whole plan because of that nutjob!"

Desire finally snapped.

"Say who is the first candidate?"

The curious war asked.


As desire said this silence ensued.

"I'm sorry I think I misheard It, can you repeat that?"

War asked not believing her ears.

"It's Death THE DEATH AS IN DEATH ITSELF, clear enough for you?"

Desire said.


The three dumbfounded beings called out In unison.

"Yeah It was one of the conditions for letting us reincarnate that guy, that shut In actually left her woman cave and all her work to her little sister so that she could reincarnate as a mortal and seduce that guy, that lunatic even voluntarily wiped her memories clean saying that It's more exiting this way"

Desire explained helplessly as she spread her hands, hearing this the three beings who were gods all but In name brains short-circuited for a second.

"F*ck one Is death Incarnate and the other one Is Death Itself, that's it the Milky Way galaxy Is done for"

Knowledge who lost all hope said as he slumped Into his throne.


In the Taralan system, at the heart of the Imperial Vampirian States, the grand engagement party unfolded on Akkanor, the birthplace of vampires.

The setting was the Imperial Palace, a striking gothic marvel with towering black spires piercing the clouds, embodying the grandeur and mystery of the Vampirian legacy.

The occasion was the engagement of the IVS Dark Heireses Isabella Tepesh Dracuela, a figure of enigmatic beauty and power, infamously known for her Inhuman beauty that could make even one of the four duke's houses that ran the vampire empire ancestors have dirty thoughts.

And her rebellious nature that made Vlad Tepesh Dracuela "Impaler" the vampire Dreadlord aka emperor and progenitor of his race go Into a frenzy every time he heard about one of his sole heir's adventures aka troublemaking episodes.

So despite his daughter's protests the Dreadlord decided that he had enough, he was going to marry off that good-for-nothing troublemaker of his even If It was the last thing he was going to do.

The groom-to-be was none other than Duke Valerius Karkaroff's eldest son, Lord Adrian Karkaroff, a young vampire noble of notable charm and ambition, well-regarded in the imperial vampire court for his diplomatic skills and strategic acumen.

The palace's grand hall, adorned with gold-plated bones and skulls that screamed death and luminous with ethereal lighting, was filled with the elite of the Vampirian society.

Nobles in their finest attire, military officers in decorated uniforms, and distinguished guests from across the empire gathered to celebrate the union, which symbolized not just a matrimonial alliance but a consolidation of power and influence within the Imperial Vampirian States.

As the evening progressed, the hall resonated with the sounds of orchestral music, the clinking of glasses full of blood of the finest prime elve stock Instead of champagne, and the murmur of conversations, both casual and conspiratorial.

The air was charged with anticipation, as alliances were forged and old rivalries smoldered beneath courteous exchanges.

Princess Isabella, resplendent in a black gothic Victorian-era gown with a corset and slits down her left and right hips that seemed woven from the very shadows of the night, moved through the crowd with an air of grace and authority.

No matter If It was a hundred thousand-year-old fossil or just a hundred-year-old junior, no vampire male could take his eyes off the 20 year old looking, two meters and 15 centimeters tall because of the plus 15 centimeters provided by her high heels, a striking and inhumanly beautiful woman, whose presence exuded an air of otherworldly allure.

Her snow white curled loose hair framed her exquisite face, with a few strands cascading over her predatory purple glowing eyes with a tinge of red.

She sported, pointy ears adorned with black earrings and piercings, and from her left ear dangled a black upside-down cross, a white-skeleton charm nailed to it, suspended by a short black chain.

Her petite nose and plump, black lips added to her mystique, and the faint glimpse of her fangs protruding from her lips hinted at her true nature.

Her two mounds of flesh puffed up by her corset were proudly displayed for everyone to see to the point that everyone could hear the males swallow gulps of saliva. (Concept Art In paragraph comment)

Seeing the stares Isabella snorted In disgust, she was already In a bad mood because of her sudden engagement orchestrated by that c*nt of a father of hers and the stares didn't help elevate It they only made her more pissed to the point she wanted to tear everyone Into pieces.

While on the other hand Emperor Vlad Tepesh Dracuela, known as the Vampire Dreadlord, stood tall and imposing.

His appearance was a testament to his ridiculously long time of rule: a strong, angular face framed with slicked-back hair as dark as the night.

His eyes, a deep crimson, mirrored the bloodlines he had founded.

He wore a regal uniform, black as a raven, adorned with medals and symbols of his reign, a cloak with red inner lining cascading behind him, adding to his formidable presence.

Beside him, Lord Adrian Karkaroff about a head shorter, the chosen fiancé, presented a stark contrast.

Young and ambitious, Adrian's features were sharp and handsome, his hair a silvery hue that was characteristic of the Karkaroff lineage.

He dressed in a tailored suit that combined modern elegance with traditional vampiric motifs, reflecting his diplomatic prowess and modern outlook.

As Isabella approached, her father's conversation with Adrian paused, their attention shifting to her.

"Ah, Isabella, my rebellious jewel,"

Darklord Vlad greeted, his voice deep and resonant, a faint smile on his lips.

"You grace us with your presence."

Isabella met her father's gaze, her own eyes glinting with an unspoken challenge.

"Father, I'm only here because you made it abundantly clear I had no choice,"

She replied, her tone edged with defiance barely being able to force herself to say the word father.

Lord Adrian interjected with a diplomatic smile, extending his hand towards Isabella.

"Princess Isabella, it's an honor. Our union will bring prosperity to both our houses,"

He said, attempting to ease the tension.

Isabella glanced at Adrian's hand, then met his eyes, her expression unyielding.

"Let's not pretend this is anything more than a political arrangement Adrian don't even think about getting Into my panties.'"

Hearing this Darklords Vlad's expression hardened slightly, but he maintained his composure while Adrian's facial muscles visibly started twitching.

"Isabella, you are already one hundred years old It's about time you start conceiving a grandchild for me"

Vlad said with an authoritative tone.

Isabella crossed her arms, her stance defiant.

"You expect me to let this weakling shove that thing of his Into me?! That won't happen and If he tries I'll rip him to f*cking pieces!"

Isabella declared while shooting a disgusted glare at Adrian.

Adrian, attempting to salvage the conversation, added,

"Dark Heiress, I assure you, my intentions are honorable. I have no intention of forcing myself on you"

Isabella scoffed lightly.

"Oh yeah, then what's that bulge In youre pants, and by the way If that's all you got then It's really a disappointment."

Isabella said while pointing at Adrian's pants which had a slight bulge.

"T... this..."

The man panicked as he tried to awkwardly cover his groin with his hands.