C42 Do You Have Any Other Use For Him?

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In the stark, dimly-lit interrogation room aboard the TIS Einherjar, I sat on the alloy chair, the surface cold and unyielding.

The only source of light was the glow from my glass see-through holographic phone, displaying a series of press conferences from various Thraen leaders.

Their words, filled with pleas for peace and veiled accusations against the Terranum Imperium, provided a stark contrast to the scene unfolding before me.

In front, Hans, my most skilled interrogator, stood imposingly.

He was a tall figure as tall as me, clad in a uniform that was both utilitarian and subtly menacing.

His eyes, cold and calculating, were fixed on the restrained figure seated opposite him - the captured leader of Humanity First.

The room was silent except for the low hum of the ship's systems and the distant, muted echoes of the crew's activity.

The Humanity First leader, a middle-aged man with a hardened expression a broken nose, a dried blood-covered face and a missing arm, sat defiantly, though the fear in his eyes betrayed his outward bravado.

Hans leaned forward, his voice calm but laced with an undercurrent of threat.

"Let's not waste time with pleasantries. You know why you're here. Youre the leader of Humanity First - a group responsible for the assassination attempt on our Imperator so start talking."

The man, trying to maintain his composure, replied with a sneer.

"You think you scare me, xeno scum? I won't betray my cause or my people."

Hans chuckled darkly, a sound devoid of any humor.

"Believe me you will talk one way or another the only question is how much you suffer before you do."

As this tense exchange unfolded, I glanced at my holographic phone.

The Thraen leaders continued their political dance, carefully wording their statements to condemn the violence without directly challenging the Imperium.

Their faces flickered in holographic blue, a stark contrast to the gritty reality of the interrogation room.

Turning my attention back to the interrogation, I watched as Hans methodically began his work, he took out a syringe from his pants pocket and Inserted It Into the man's neck.

"Now, let's discuss the assassination attempt on our Imperator,"

Hans began, his tone deceptively calm.

"Who planned it? Who provided the resources? Names, places, everything."

The man clenched his jaw, remaining silent, but as he did his veins and arteries started bulging under his skin which was becoming red rapidly.

Hans sighed, almost theatrically.

"If you don't talk the pain will only Increase"

Hans said lazily while watching the man who already started trembling because of the pain he was feeling that was being caused by the serum that attacked the man's pain receptors.

Finally, the man's facade of defiance began to crack, blood began seeping out from his ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and pores as his eyes darted around, looking for any chance of escape.

"You can't do this! This is against every Thraen convention!"

He exclaimed, panic creeping into his voice, Hans looked at him, almost pityingly.

"Thraen conventions? You seem to misunderstand your situation. The Terranum Imperium is not bound by your conventions and even If we were the simple act of trying to claim our Imperator's life Is enough to exterminate your whole race, now start talking"

The man's breaths grew shallower, the realization of his dire situation dawning upon him.

He glanced at me, perhaps seeking some semblance of mercy. I remained impassive, observing silently.

The fate of this man was of little consequence to the larger picture, yet his information was crucial.

Hans, noting the shift in the man's demeanor, pressed on.

"Your organization has caused significant damage and unrest. We need to know who else is involved. Allies, financiers, sympathizers. Speak now, and I assure you, your cooperation will be taken into account."

Hearing this the man's resolve wavered visibly, the pain of the truth serum boiling him alive from the Inside out was etched on his face.

After a moment of internal struggle, he began to speak, his voice barely above a whisper.

"There are... others, people In high positions In Thraes governments, I can give you names... locations... just make It stop...."

Hans nodded, a predatory smile forming on his lips. He Inserted the antidote at once as he did the pain disappeared instantly.

"Good. Start from the beginning leave nothing out,"

Hans instructed his tone firm yet encouraging.

As the man began to divulge information, I turned my attention back to the press conferences on my holographic phone.

The political maneuvering of the Thraen leaders was predictable, yet necessary for them to maintain their fragile positions of power.

They spoke of unity, resilience, and the need for peace, carefully avoiding direct confrontation with the Imperium.

Their words were a dance of diplomacy, a balancing act between appeasing their citizens and not inciting the wrath of the Terranum Imperium.

In the back of my mind, I knew that the information being extracted in this room would significantly impact my attitude toward Thraens.

The confessions of the man would unravel networks, expose plots, and perhaps even alter my plans.

As Hans continued his methodical interrogation, I reflected on the intricate web of politics, power, and survival that spanned across galaxies.

In this vast cosmic arena, every piece of information, every alliance, and every show of force mattered.

The man's words, now flowing more freely, were but one thread in this complex tapestry, and I was determined to follow it to its end, unraveling the plans of those who dared to challenge me and my Imperium.

"... that's It, I don't know anything else"

The man said after divulging everything he knew.

"Imperator, he didn't lie, he spilled everything he knew, your orders?"

Hans asked after lowering down his glass see-through phone that had the mans each holographic statistic provided by TAI which was observing him through the interrogation room's security camera.

"Do you have any other use for him?"HI asked lazily as I took my eyes off my holographic phone.


Hans said as he did I pulled out my pistol and pulled the trigger causing the man's head to disappear while the wall behind him got covered In bio matter.

"Frank wont be happy Imperator"

Hans said as he wiped off the blood and bits of biomatter from his face with a white napkin that he pulled out from his pocket.

"As If that's something new, he always complains, Its either resources, manpower, or both"

I said lazily as I stood up while yawing as I stretched my muscles and after that Inserted my pistol back Into my holster.

"True but Imperator what about those cockroaches should I send In the cosmic marines to clean them up or do you have something else In mind?"

Hans asked as he pulled out his holographic phone as we left the Interrogation room while the two fully geared up and armed cosmic marines stepped inside to dispose of the headless corpse and clean the room.

"Leave them be for now, the Threans are already horrified, If we start executing government officials they'll lose their minds completely"

I said lazily.

"Imperator, are you saying that we are letting them go scot-free after what they pulled?"

The dissatisfied Hans asked not believing his ears.

"Hans who said anything about letting them go?"

I asked with a raised white eyebrow.

"Understood Imperator, what's the timetable?"

Hans who got the meaning asked as his lips curled Into a grin.

"Give It a year or two, after you've fully established Terranum Cerberatus send a few Thraen female agents to silently clean them up, heart attacks while f*cling, drug overdose, falling out of the balcony while drunk, and any other excuse you can up with"

I gave my order only for a message from Wolf to appear on my holographic phone.


I murmured In surprise as I read the message that stated that Consol Abdul Andragon of the Nacirfa Federation wanted to come on board Einherjar In person to sign the deal on the military-grade robots and was ready to give Nacrifa Continent's biggest Island to me as a gift.

I already like this guy.

I thought In my mind as I started whistling happily.