C36 The Beggining Of The End

One of the squad members, a young but experienced soldier named Jenkins, locked his helmet into place and turned to Alex.

"Sir, with the Imperator in the field, this is going to be a blast, isn't it?"

Alex nodded, his face now hidden behind the visor of his helmet, his voice amplified and slightly distorted by the suit's communication system.

"Every mission with the Imperator is a blast."

The squad members finished gearing up, their power armor emitting a soft whir of readiness. They each performed final checks on their weapons, ensuring every 30 mm assault rifle, sidearm, and laser-edged blade was in perfect working order.

As they lined up, ready to move out, Alex took a moment to look over his squad. These were the best of the best, the elite of the Terranum Militarium. Pride swelled in his chest.

"This is what we train for, what we live for. Today, we execute with precision and bring honor to the Imperium and Imperator. Let's move out,"

Alex declared, his voice resonating with authority and confidence.

The squad moved out of the armory in a tight formation, each step synchronized, their power armor enhancing their movements with augmented speed and strength.

The corridor lights reflected off their sleek, black battle damaged armor, creating a formidable and intimidating presence.

As they marched towards the hangar bay, where their transport awaited, the crew of the Einherjar stopped to watch, a mixture of awe and respect in their eyes.

The presence of these elite soldiers, coupled with the anticipation of the Imperator's involvement, was a rare spectacle.

Upon reaching the hangar bay, they found their transport, a sleek, heavily armed Styx dropship, ready for departure. The dropships masterchief clad in a black space suit underneath his armored vest and a fully enclosed helmet covering his head, saluted the squad as they boarded.

Alex took a moment to communicate with the dropships pilots.

"Keep the engines hot, the Imperator Is going to join us any second."

"Understood, sir. We'll be ready for departure the moment he does,"

The pilot responded, his voice steady and professional.

The squad secured themselves inside the dropship, the atmosphere thick with concentration. Alex initiated a final comms check, ensuring every line was clear and operational.

"Comms check, all units report,"

He ordered.

One by one, each member of the squad reported in, their voices crisp and clear over the communication system.


In the dimly lit confines of my personal quarters aboard the TIS Einherjar, I already In my black nanocomposite suit stood before the towering figure of my personal power armor.

This suit, scarred and marked from countless battles, was a testament to my history of conflict and survival In Galactic Overlord.

Each dent, each scorch mark, told a story of past skirmishes and hard-won victories.

Methodically with the help of my power armors wracks mechanical arms, I began the process of donning the armor.

The suit, tailored to my specifications, was a perfect blend of strength, defense, and agility, the heavy chest and back with Inbuilt fusion core plates, clicked into place over the under-suit with an attached mechanical skeleton.

The leg armor followed, the servos whirring softly as they locked in, the arms, shoulders, and gauntlets, equipped with various integrated systems, were next.

I flexed my fingers, feeling the familiar hum of power coursing through the suit, finally, I secured the helmet, its HUD lighting up, syncing with my vitals and my armors systems.

After Fully arming myself, I exited my quarters, the heavy steps of my power armor echoing through the corridor.

The path to the hangar bay was a familiar one, each step bringing me closer to the impending mission.

Upon entering the hangar bay, the sight of my elite death squad which also fulfilled the role of my personal guards, the Death Marines, awaiting in the dropship, was a stark reminder of the task at hand.

These soldiers, the best among the Terranum Militarium, were armed and ready, their own power armor making them look like avatars of war.

As I stepped inside the drop ship, Alex, the NCO of the squad, immediately snapped to attention.

His voice echoed in the metal confines as he barked the command.


In unison, the strapped-in Marines turned their helmeted heads towards me, their postures rigid and disciplined.

The atmosphere was charged with the anticipation of battle, each Marine ready to follow my lead into whatever dangers awaited us.

"At ease,"

I commanded, my voice resonating through my helmet's speaker system as I sat down on the empty seat and strapped myself In. The Marines relaxed slightly, but their focus remained sharp, a testament to their training and readiness.

"Let's go,"

I said, giving the final command.

Hearing this the dropships Master Chief nodded, his gesture one of respect and acknowledgment, he turned towards the cockpit, banging on the cockpit's wall to signal the pilots.

"Go, go, go!"

He barked.

The two pilots responded immediately, their hands moving over the controls with practiced ease.

The dropship's ramp closed with a heavy thud, sealing us inside as It did the Interiors lightning changed to ominous red.

"Bridge, this is Dropship Echo-One requesting permission for takeoff,"

One of the pilots spoke into the comms, his voice calm yet urgent.

"Echo-One, you are cleared for departure. Good hunting,"

Came the reply from bridge command.

With that, the dropship's already burning chemical thrusters roared to life, the vibrations coursing through the hull.

As we lifted off smoothly the four chemical thrusters changed their position from vertical one to horizontal one, propelling the dropship through the blue energy barrier that contained the ship's atmosphere, emerging into the vastness of space.

Outside the windows, the endless expanse of stars stretched out before us, the dropship maneuvered with precision, heading toward the coordinates of our objective, as It did a flight of 3 wraith fighters surrounded us.

"Alright listen up, the wraiths and the dropship will soften up those s*its, after that It's simple we hit the ground and start killing anything that moves any questions?"

I asked as we checked our weapons and equipment one last time, ensuring everything was in perfect working order.

"No Imperator!"

My soldiers reported In unison as they did I noded In approval.

"In Death We Live!"

"In Death We Live!"

Came the thunderous reply.


The Humanity First leader sat in his underground bunker, a defiant figure against the backdrop of the flag with a clenched black fist In a red background pointing upwards, a symbol of his crumbling movement.

The dimly lit room, filled with the hum of generators and the faint chatter of his remaining hardcore militants, was his last sanctuary.

His thoughts were a tumultuous mix of anger, regret, and defiance, the movement he had spearheaded, once a formidable force, was now reduced to a shadow.

His trusted lieutenants had been captured or killed, and what remained of his cause was on the brink of extinction.

As he brooded over his next move, a sudden series of explosions rocked the bunker.

Dust cascaded from the ceiling, and the ground trembled under the force of the attacks. The leader's eyes widened in shock and realization.

Before he could process the situation, his adjutant, a young and fervent supporter, burst into the room, panic etched on his face.

"My f*hrer! We're under attack! It's the Terrans, the g*ddamn Terrans!"

The terrified adjutant exclaimed, trying to catch his breath.

The leader stood up abruptly, his chair clattering to the floor.

"Terrans here? How did they find us?"

He barked, his voice laced with a mix of disbelief and fear.

"I don't know, my f*hrer! They must have found out somehow. Our AA defenses are gone, and they're hitting us with everything they've got!"

The adjutant reported, his voice trembling.

The leader's mind raced. He knew the might of the Terran forces all too well. The thought of them breaching his last stronghold was a nightmare turned reality.

"Get everyone to defensive positions! We'll make our last stand here. We can't let them take us without a fight!"

He ordered, trying to muster a semblance of control in the chaos.