38 Breach!

As I and my marines advanced towards the command center, the resistance grew fiercer.

Militants, armed with a mix of conventional and improvised weapons, tried to slow our advance. They fought with desperation, but against our power armor and training, they stood little chance.

Their bullets harmlessly ricocheted off our deflectors while our rounds tore the militants Into pieces from the Inside out, no amount of armor could stop them.

We cut through them with ruthless efficiency, our 30 mm smart assault rifles thundering in the confined spaces, echoing off the bunker's walls.

We reached the command center's reinforced doors, which were sealed shut.

"Step back and prepare to storm In"

I ordered as I yanked out my straight laser-edged combat katana from my back and plunged the laser-edged thick blade Into the doors.

Causing the blade to go straight through as the laser liquefied the metal, seeing this I started cutting a circle.

Once done I yanked out my blade, fixed It to my back, and kicked the round part whose edges were glowing orange with all the strength I could muster "This Is Sparta" style.

The piece of metal flew out like a cannonball and crushed an unlucky fellow.

As It did I took out a flashbang from my harness pouch and tossed It inside.

"Flashbang out!"

I reported Into our communication channel.

After the deafening explosion and blinding flash of light which didn't affect me or my death marines In the slightest because of our helmet-automated countermeasures systems such as noise filtering and screen darkening.


I ordered as I and my marines stormed into the room, weapons raised and ready, our green lasers piercing through the smoke.

Before the militants could open fire our HUD holomarked them as our view changed to Infrared.

We started pulling our triggers, each of our shots drilling Into the militant's bodies and detonating themselves and shredding them from the Inside out.

The only sound that could be heard was that of gunshots, the stomping of our alloy boots, and the clinking of ejected cartridges.

By the time the remaining militants opened fire only but a few were left who got killed the next second.

"Drop your weapon, on your knees, hands in the air!"

I commanded, my voice booming through my helmet's speakers as I walked towards the leader with my rifles laser fixed on his armored vest-covered chest.

The leader the only one alive, his face covered In dust looked around.

"Long Live the t*rd r*ich!"

The leader after realizing that he was the only one left roared as he performed the hand salute while raising his pistol to his temple.

But before he could pull the trigger I pulled mine, causing his right arm starting from his shoulder to disappear.

As the 30 mm armor-piercing high explosive round impacted his bicep and exploded.


A soul-wrenching and blood-freezing scream escaped the leader's mouth as he grabbed his bloody stump and collapsed on his knees.

"Target neutralized, administering first aid"

I reported without any fluctuation In my voice as I lowered my rifle allowing It to hang by my right side.

And sprinted towards the leader while taking out a spray can from my IFAK which contained a foaming gel designed specifically to stop massive bleeding.

Once I reached the trashing and screaming leader I punched him lightly In the face causing his nose to break upon making contact with my armored fist which knocked him out Instantly.

Once that was done I removed his bloody hand and sprayed the gel onto his crazily bleeding shoulder.

The gel Instantly solidified, stopping his bleeding, I could see his vitals stabilize In my HUD.

I looked back only to see my death marines sweep through the piles of corpses with the occasional pull of the trigger.

That made sure that any stragglers that somehow were still alive became dead.

"Sweep the bunker, I want documents, data, anything you think might be useful questions?"

I asked as I removed my helmet and placed It on the ground while pulling out a cigarette from my pack and lighting It up with my black full of straches and dents with peeled off paint zip lighter which had the Imperium's insignia engraved on both sides.

"You heard the boss, let's go"

Alex barked without answering me as he and his men ran past me deeper Into the bunker.

So a n*zi huh?

I thought as I puffed out a cloud of smoke while looking at the bloody unconscious leader.

Well, that explains It, Humanity First is actually just a neo n*zi organization that thanks to my arrival got the opportunity to recruit to their heart's content.

I mused In my mind, I didn't know If I was right or wrong but this conjecture seemed to be the most logical explanation I could up with right now based on what I knew so far.

"But why did I react like that then talking with Wolf?"

I murmured to myself as my hostile remark regarding Thraes government types that came out of nowhere replayed Itself I'm my mind.

As It did flashes of a life so foreign yet at the same time so familiar flashed In my mind.

"That's f*cking why..."

I cursed out as the answer appeared In my mind, my hate for Thraes government type stemmed from my past lives.

Although I didn't remember exactly what my last life was like, but I did remember that the corrupt politicians kept on making promises that never got fulfilled.

While the people that they had sworn to protect and lead kept getting poorer and poorer while the rich continued to fatten their pockets.

That they used to manipulate the said politicians who eagerly accepted their bribes.

They are the f*cking same!

I cursed In my mind as I threw away my cigarette bud and stomped on It heavily with my alloy boots.

As I did Alex and his men returned, carrying hard drives, documents, and anything they deemed valuable.


I asked as I put on my helmet.

"Yes Imperator"

Alex reported, his voice full of professionalism.

"Good, let's get out of this s*thole"

I commanded as my gaze lingered on the unconscious leader.

Noticing my gaze Alex grabbed the unconscious leader and threw him onto his armored shoulder.

"Echo one prepare for extraction over"

I informed echo one.

"Copy over"

Came the crisp reply.

As we exited the command center, the smoldering ruins of the base served as a stark reminder of the Imperium's might.

The air was filled with the acrid scent of smoke and the distant crackle of flames.

Outside, the dropship landed nearby, ready for our return.

The Wraith fighters circled above, ensuring no threats remained.

Seeing this we didn't waste time, we boarded the dropship, and I took one last look at the devastated base.

This was the reality of war – destruction and dominance, the fastest path to getting things done but It came at a cost.

The dropship's chemical thrusters roared to life, lifting us away from the remnants of the battle.

Our mission was complete, but it was just one of many in the ongoing saga of the Terranum Imperium's dominion.

Inside the dropship, the atmosphere was one of quiet satisfaction.

Each Marine removed their helmet, revealing scarred dead fish faces devoid of any emotion.

I too removed my helmet, taking a deep breath to calm down my two wildly because of the rush of battle beating hearts.

"Report back to command. Mission successful. Humanity First's leadership is neutralized,"

I instructed the pilot.

"Roger that, Imperator. Heading back to TIS Einherjar,"

The pilot acknowledged.

As the dropship ascended through the atmosphere, the expanse of space greeted us with its silent, unending vastness.

The stars seemed to watch, bearing silent witness to the unfolding stories of power and conquest within their light.

I gazed out of the dropship's window, my mind already moving to the next challenge, the next battle.

For in the life of an Imperator, peace was a fleeting dream, always overshadowed by the necessity of maintaining order in a universe where chaos was ever a lurking threat.